Chapter Five, The Stranger in the Woods

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It was so comfortable. You felt like you could stay asleep forever and it wouldn't matter. Your body was warm and clean without a trace of dirt or a drop of rainwater to make you feel uncomfortable. Your mind felt so hazy and relaxed, you thought you'd fall back asleep in mere seconds if not for the sunlight streaming onto the covers. Tiredly, you rolled onto your other side, pressing your face into a firm pillow that somehow got warmer when you did so. Just then, something wrapped around you, causing your eyes to slowly open with a soft curiosity. That's when it hit you. You realized you were no longer by the fireplace in the living room. A deep blush made it's way across your face when you noticed that the "pillow" you were leaning onto was Herobrine's chest.

He was awake too, a vibration of a soft hum was there to clarify. You looked up at him, eyes wide awake now that you knew where you were. The glow from his eyes were half-closed and relaxed. His arm seemed to hug you closer as if welcoming you to rest again. Who knew that Herobrine would be a cuddly type of guy when he wasn't hurting anyone? "Good morning." He whispered with a sigh. "H-How did I get here?" You asked, just as quiet. He grinned, "I carried you up here. After that little episode last night, you must've been exhausted... not that I blame you." His grip around you tightened, bringing you closer so that your chest was pressed against his. You grimaced slightly as his hand began stroking your hair, still afraid that he'd pull a one eighty and hurt you again. He noticed your reaction and reassured you, "Don't worry. You're safe. I already forgave you for yesterday. Why don't we forget about last night? I've already healed your wounds, let's start over..." he stated casually as if complimenting the weather. His touch might've made you blush, but your mind began fuming. He had beaten you, actually beaten you. He hurt you because you tried to go home and now he wanted to forget about it?! You were so angry with him you didn't know what to do. You immediately tried to move away only to find he wouldn't let you. A couple more times, you tried, but no. Nothing worked. "What're you doing?" He asked, tiredly, as if bored from your attempts. "Getting away from you." You replied, daringly. "Not possible, sweetheart. You can't get away from something that has you trapped here." He smirked that stupid, charming smirk of his unapologetically.

For a while you two stayed like that, but eventually you had to ask, "Y-You didn't change me, did you?" After all, you were wearing new clothes. Nothing fancy or skimpy of course. Just a plain, soft blouse with a pair of equally soft trousers. He chuckled and replied, "Sadly no. I had one of my female servants do it." That sent a wave of relief over you. The last thing you wanted was for this psycho to see you exposed like that. But why didn't he? If he was an all powerful being that could easily take advantage of you, why didn't he? It confused you. Why didn't he? Finally, he let go of you and sat up. "I know you're hungry. Breakfast will be ready soon." He pointed at the nearby closet, "If you want to change again feel free to grab some new clothes and use the shower. I'll wait for you in the dining room." He stood up as you decided to stretch your arms. You watched him slip on his boots and comb his hair at the dresser's mirror. He was already wearing the same attire from yesterday. You assumed he had his signature appearance and reputation to withhold. When he was done, he walked out the door and left you to ponder over what you should do next. You stood up and walked over to the closet, opening the double doors by their golden handles. Your jaw instantly dropped.

On one side of the wardrobe, were Herobrine's clothes. Most of it consisted of turquoise shirts and dark blue pants but there were some red colors here and there along with additional cloaks and jackets. On the other side, was your clothing. Back at home, you only owned about three sets of outfits, but there were at least a dozen of them right in front of you. Most of them were casual. There were long sleeved shirts, short sleeved, dress blouses and a few modest skirts that were your favorite color. Several pairs of pants in different shades were folded neatly on the bottom with different shoes to accompany them. But at the very back of the closet was a sparkling, lava-red ball gown with a sweetheart neckline and a one-shoulder sleeve. It had small, tiny specs of gems glistening within the bodes along with a lacy trim and a wide skirt. You marveled over its beauty for a second, but eventually you told yourself to snap out of it. You didn't care what Herobrine thought of you, and you most certainly would never put that dress on just to appease him. With a roll of your eyes and a scoff you picked a casual outfit along with some shoes before heading to the bathroom for a nice and relaxing shower. But even that seemed to blow you away.

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