Chapter Six, The Cottage

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"We shouldn't stay long. My horse is waiting by the river." Steve said, picking up the extra string that the spider had left behind before tossing it into his sack with the rest of his items. "Excuse me, we?" You asked, not sure if you heard him right. "Yeah." He replied, "From the looks of it, you're on the run and need somewhere to go. And since you survived being kidnapped by Herobrine, I think you've proven yourself to be special. Now, who would I be if I left you behind? I know what desperation is when I see it, and you- girly, you look like you need a friend." He began to walk in a certain direction, but you were still debating whether or not to follow him. You didn't exactly know him. The fact that he looked almost exactly like Herobrine made you uneasy, but then again, this is the closest opportunity you had to escape and stay escaped. Therefore, you found yourself walking beside him, wearily glancing around to make sure no mobs were there to spot you. Your worst fear was that Herobrine would pop out of nowhere and drag you back to the mansion. Steve looked at you for a few moments, unsure of what to say. You noticed that his face gave off a chill, relaxed expression unlike Herobrine's which was always firm and sly.

"So, what's your story? Are you a thief? An assassin? If you are, I promise that Herobrine has way cooler stuff than me." He asked you, letting out a laugh. You looked at the forest floor, unsure of how to answer. "No. I'm not a thief. There's not much to it. All I know is that he kidnapped me and now I'm going to be a fugitive for the rest of my life." You chuckled nervously. "But why did he kidnap you? Usually he doesn't take prisoners unless they're of great importance." Steve reasoned. "He um... he claimed that he loves me." You said awkwardly. Steve stopped walking and paused. He rested one hand on his hip as he gave you a look of both confusion and disbelief. "You mean to tell me my rival magically grew a heart and decided to take you away from wherever you lived? Damn, I knew he had to be lonely, but I didn't think he was THAT desperate for love. You know what I think? I think not. I don't believe he kidnapped you because he 'loves' you, but for your sake, I think I'll roll with it." His tone was tough, yet deep down, you could sense he had the same fear of running into Herobrine. Although still a stranger, Steve reminded you of yourself. You could tell he wasn't that much of a people person either. Like you, he forged a strong outer shell that couldn't be broken. The only thing that you didn't have in common was his easygoing attitude. How could he walk through a dark forest full of mobs so casually? It annoyed you, since you couldn't do the same, but it also fascinated you. It took another hour of small talk until the further you walked with him, the more you began to hear the sound of the river's rushing waters.

"The river ain't that deep. Ross will get us across." Steve said as you two got closer. "Ross?" You questioned. Steve raised his fingers to his lips, letting out a silent whistle that resembled a bird. You were about to question his actions when all the sudden, a distant neigh of a horse answered it for you. Together, you both followed the sound and walked out into a clearing by the river. There, drinking from the banks, you saw a large, tan horse with a light mane. He was a little bigger than Speckle, a male horse with thick, white hooves along with a brown leather saddle bag that was likely filled with other things Steve had scavenged over the past hours. "I assume you've ridden a horse before?" He asked you somewhat playfully. You rolled your eyes and nodded. He mounted first, then offered his hand to help you on. You refused to take it, and instead got up on your own. Steve didn't think much of it. He simply shrugged and grabbed hold of the reins. You didn't desire to wrap your arms around him, so instead you gripped both sides of the large saddle in an attempt to hold on. With that, you were off. Ross began trotting across the river, hooves splashing the water below. It felt so good to leave the river, so good to see the trees fade to oak as you headed northwest.

"My house is further north past the oak forest, it might be a while. I built it close to the mountains so that I'd have easier access to caves. Where'd you live anyway? Before you were taken?" He asked out of curiosity. "By the west plains." You answered shortly, still not one hundred percent comfortable with letting your guard down around him. "Do you live alone?" You asked, not really caring if the question sounded suspicious out of context. For a moment he hesitated, but then answered with an extroverted grin, "Sure do! It's just been me and Ross for about seven years give or take. Isn't that right, buddy?" He patted Ross's mane, getting a joyful neigh out of him. You smiled lightly at that. From that point onward, Steve filled the empty silence with conversation. You guessed he must've been glad to have someone to talk to after being alone for so long. It made you a little envious how he could jump into small talk without becoming socially awkward or anxious. Eventually, with a little tug here and a little pull there, he was able to bring you out of your shell. For that you were grateful you decided to run away. By the time you were both out of the oak forest, the sun was beginning to lower in the sky. It made you nervous because you knew the mobs would definitely snitch on your whereabouts if they saw you. As for Steve, he was a little less worried now that there was a good distance between himself and the mansion. By the time you had reached his home, he almost fully believed your story.

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