Chapter Twenty Five, Memory Comes in Waves

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Crickets chirped in the night air whilst Alex led you inside the makeshift tree house. The wooden steps creaked when you walked up the stairs. There was a small porch that surrounded the front door. It had a single lantern hanging off to one side, attracting small flies that buzzed around it. "It might be a little messy, I wasn't sure when you'd show up." Alex said genuinely. When the rickety old door opened, your eyes grew. It was a small room with a white rug and three glass windows that were slightly cracked. From the ceiling, there were multiple lanterns that gave off a warm glow. Several red, magenta, and orange of what you assumed were curtains hung from each wooden beam. The floor caved in slightly towards the center of the room. There was a lower platform that had a campfire surrounded by crimson bricks to keep the whole treehouse from burning. Aside from that there was a small closet and a large bed with green sheets that was big enough for two people located in the corner. There were a couple of banners that dotted the walls. You noticed there was a loom in the corner with a half-finished canvas strung together. Materials like redstone were framed on the walls, and there were even a few weapons sitting on shelves. A few Chests aligned against the bed, but other than that, there weren't exactly any specific rooms. "This is beautiful." You said, liking everything about the house. It smelled just like the wilderness. True, it was cluttered, but it was still uniquely breathtaking. "Thanks. I know it must be nothing compared to Herobrine's mansion, but the crafting table is next to the furnace so I guess it's home." She smiled.

"Wow, so you just... ran off into the wilderness to build all of this? How did you manage to do this all alone, and with a beacon nonetheless! Steve told me you two spawned together in the plains, but what happened that-"

"That's a story for the campfire. Why don't you lend me a hand with supper, then I'll tell you everything you need to know? Tonight's a full moon, which means its time for a drink or two." Alex winked. Midnight trotted over to a pile of different blankets just beside the door, resting her head on the fronts of her paws. Alex wandered over to one of the chests, "Y/N, think you can manage starting a fire?" She asked. "Sure." You replied, happy to hear someone call you by your actual name for once rather than something else like girly or sweetheart. Alex tossed you the flint and steel. You smiled as you rubbed the two objects together. The firepit was already full of dry branches, making it an easy feat to get a spark. Meanwhile, Alex impaled two salmons to roast over the flame. "It's nice to have company after all this time. I get a lot of wandering traders out here, but other than that, it's just been me and the pack." She was referring to the wolves. "See those?" She pointed a finger up at the ceiling, to the many colorful "curtains" you saw. "Each one was once a carpet on the back of a llama. After I give my hospitality, they leave me a carpet in return. This one time, a man with about sixteen llamas strolled right in." Alex explained, letting out laughter as she went on, "He was angry because I let the wolves scare his caravans. The next morning, he didn't even say goodbye. He just left me with sixteen new colorful carpets. I don't think he plans to come back anytime soon now that he knows about the pack."

"How are you so happy after all this time? If I were you, I'd be bitter. I don't know if I could keep my head after being this isolated for so long." You told her, sitting down by the campfire's edge. Alex sat beside you, offering you a wooden cup filled with whiskey. "I'll tell you woman-to-woman, but in order to understand me, you've got to understand what happened between me and Steve. I reckon he didn't even mention my name did he?" She questioned. You shook your head, "No... he didn't. The only thing Steve mentioned about you was that you were his family and that you two had a disagreement." Your words caused Alex to breathe deeply. You both watched the fish roast over the dancing flames of the fire. When she spoke again, her tone was a little deeper than before, "Of course he didn't tell you. Let me start at the beginning, back when we both appeared on the plains." Alex crossed her legs so she was sitting indian style. She sipped a little whiskey before beginning her story, hoping that the strong drink might give her enough courage to speak.

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