Chapter 1- The Other Biersack

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"Holy shit you guys! Just give him back his batman toy. You're shaking the bus!"
I sigh frustrated and lean back on the couch. It's impossible to do anything on this bus with these five idiots running around. Could they just sit still for one second. What am I thinking. That never happens and it never will, even though they're grown men. Yes, grown 20 year old men fighting for a batman toy. We're not on a school bus or anything like that, we're on a tour bus. Yes a tour bus, and I have no clue where we are. So back on topic, my brother is in this band and that band is Black Veil Brides. If you couldn't guess who then I'll make it easy for you, my brother is Andy Biersack.
"Ok we'll stop but help me get batman back." Andy said in a deep whiny voice. Ugh! I rubbed my head agitated. "Please give Andy back his toy," I said as calm as possible. "I just want to relax."
Cc, Jake, Jinxx, and Ashley all shake their heads as they play keep away with the batman toy, running from Andy and tossing it around.
"This is the funnest thing I've done all day!" Cc exclaimed, throwing the toy to Jake. "Join us!"
"Well there is nothing better to do" I thought. I sigh and get up. I waved my hands for the toy and Jake tossed the toy for me. I caught the toy and looked up to see a 6'4 Andy charging towards me. I screamed a little in excitement and dodged Andy throwing the toy to Ashley. Ashley laughed and said, "Wow I'm surprised. I thought you would just hand it to Andy."
I shrugged. "Maybe I need a little fun in life that's all." I said.
This went on for a while until the bus stopped and I fell over, holding the batman toy.
"Oh shit..." I said laughing nervously. I felt a body pile on top of me. An arm goes under me trying to get the toy. I try to keep it away from Andy, the body that was on top of me.
"Give it back!" He yelled, still trying to get the toy. I laughed and said,
"I would love to but you're suffocating me! Guys help!"
There was no answer so I looked up to see the bus driver staring at us. We must be at the venue. Andy gets off of me and I get up, fixing my hair. He grabs the toy from me and walked away heading off the bus. The rest of the guys follow and I'm last to exit. Before I stepped out, screams could be heard. A bunch of fans were behind a fence trying to get in and chase them. I
stepped out and the screams slowly go soft. I was expecting that. It always happen does especially when I come on tours, which was all the time. No one knows who I am, I don't mind though. To some fans I'm just some girl, to people that knew me I'm Jane, but to everyone else in the world, I'm just another Biersack.

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