Chapter 8- She's gone

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"Jane!" I yelled. "Jane come back!" I sighed and sat down on the steps holding my head. Juliet sat down beside me and rubbed my back, trying to comfort me the best she could. Cause she's drunk.

"Com back inside Andy," she said. "You've been out here telling for twenty minutes. She's gone."

I shake my head and looked up. "I'm gonna look for her." I said, standing up. She stood up as well and lightly grabbed my shoulder.

"It's almost 8pm and pitch black," she stated. "And not to mention where we live. It's going to be forever until we find her."

I turned to her and said, "We have to try. I promised my parents I would protect her and look what happened! I can't let her get hurt."

Juliet nodded and kissed my cheek.

"I understand." She said. "But you know we can't find her now. So let's go back inside. We have a party, let's enjoy yourselves."

I shake my head. "No, no." I said walking inside. "Everyone, I'm sorry but this party is over. Due to well, you know. So if you could get all your things and go I would appreciate it. I'm sorry but I hope you understand."

Everyone started getting their things and leaving one by one. I heard a lot of 'alright' or 'I understands' as they were all leaving. The last one left was Juliet who was sitting on the couch.

"So what are you going to do?" She asked. I sat down next to her shrugging.

"I have no idea." I answered honestly. I've never had to deal with this type of stuff before so I'm at a lost.

Come one Andy think, I thought to myself. You can't let Jane get hurt. You have to think of something fast and find her. You made a promise.

Got it!

I pulled out my phone and said to Juliet, "I'll go on Twitter and just ask people who live here if they've seen her. Maybe that'll help."

Once I finished that I put down my phone, and stare at the ground intently. How could I have been so stupid!

I could feel Juliet come up behind me and started kissing my head.

"While we wait for something to come up do you wanna, you know."

I shake my head. "No not now. I can't."

She stopped and rubbed my back. "It's alright," she said softly, "I understand. Well look for her in the morning."

I sighed and got up. "Damn it how could I have let this happen!" I shouted. Juliet got up as well.

"It's not your fault for her running away. She's the one who lied to you."

I clenched my fists in frustration. "I know that but I shouldn't of yelled at her like that. I shouldn't of blamed her for our parents death as well. If I never said that she would still be here!"

On the last part I got louder and I punched the wall in anger. I don't know if I'm even angry. I feel angry, frustrated, worried, and so many more things I just don't know.

"Damn it..." I whispered. Juliet came closer to me.

"Relax honey," she said softly trying to make me calm down. "Just go to bed and clear you head. Find her in the morning alright? I'll leave so you can be alone and gather you thoughts."

I nodded and she kissed me goodnight before she left. I sighed and walked to my room. I laid down on my bed, not even bothering to take my clothes off. I just stared at the ceiling, not even trying to fall asleep. I just waited for my eyes to finally close.

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