Chapter 17- Its starting

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I pulled out my books and closed my locker. I leaned on it waiting for Josh.

He finally appeared and we started to walk together to our next class.

"Took you long enough" I said giggling. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Teacher held me up."

I nodded and smirked. "So you did get caught."

He nodded and laughed.

"So what-" I was cut off by hands slapping my books to the floor. My papers flew every which way and my books hit the ground with a loud thud, making everyone turn to me.

"What the hell?!" I yelled. I looked at the back of the persons head to be socked when they turned around.


She's wearing a nose mask thing for her broken nose. I can't believe she's already back.

"Ops," she said giggling. "didn't see you there."

I clenched my fists and mumbled under my breathe, "Like hell you didn't."

I knelt down and started to pick up my stuff. Josh helped, placing his stuff down and getting some papers for me. Giggles erupted in the halls.

"Aww look at Jane's knight in shining armor coming to her rescue."

Everyone's giggles turned into laughs after that. It's like everyone took time out of their day to watch me get humiliated.

I grit my teeth together as Josh handed me the rest of my stuff. I slowly stood up with him.

"What's the matter?" Catlin asked. "Not gonna fight back?"

I smirked. "If I do I'll send you to the morgue instead."

"Ohh I'm so scared." She said, sarcasm dropping from her voice. I lunged at her but Josh grabbed my arm shaking his head.

I sighed and we walked to class together. Catlin came up behind me and pushed my making my fall.

"Freak!" She yelled and everyone laughed.

This day isn't starting out good. Let's hope it turns around.

Yeah right. What am I thinking?


I slowly opened my eyes at the Auden sound of a car door slamming. Jane must be home from school.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up off the couch. I shook my head to wake up. The door opened and slammed shut quickly. I looked over to see Jane.

"Hey Jane how was school?" I asked. She didn't answer, just kept walking to her room with her hood on.

What's wrong with her?

"Hey, Jane how was school?" I asked again. Nothing, she just slammed her door shut and locked it.

I got up and walked over knocking on the door.

"Jane what's wrong?"

Still no answer from her. I jiggled on the door knob.

"Jane open up!" I yelled shaking the door knob hard. I sighed in frustration and pulled out my spar key and unlocked the door.

I was about to push it open when a force pushed back. She was on the other side pushing the door to keep me out.

"Go away!" She growled, struggling against my strength.

"What the hells your problem!?" I questioned as I pushed back as well.

"Nothing just go away!" A huge force pushed against me and that made me lose my footing, making my feet slide.

I grit my teeth and pushed back busting the door wide open. Jane stumbled back and looked down, fists clenched.

"Why wouldn't you let me in Jane?!"I asked at little bit on edge.

"I didn't want you to be in here! God can't I have some privacy!"

I shook my head. "If you act like that you can't. What the hells your problem."

She didn't say anything. She just kept looking down.

I walked up to her. "Jane look at me."

She backed away right after my demand and turned her back.

"Jane," I put my hand on her shoulder and pulled her to look at me.

In that movement the hood fell of and she looked up at me, eyes full of nothing. No emotion.

"I fell." Was all she said. There was a huge bruise on the left side of her eye, stretching up to her forehead. The top of her eye, right above the eyebrow, was bleeding down the side of her face and a little down her nose.

I tilted her head up by her chin gently and moved her hair of of the way so I could see better.

"Holy fuck," I whispered. "Who did this to you?"

"I fell." She answered. "My boots got tangled and I fell down the stairs."

I sighed, knowing that's not what happened.

"Jane, tell me what really happened." I demanded. She bit her lower lip and looked away. She looked as if she wanted to say something. Something was caught in her throat but she couldn't get it out, or just didn't want to.

"Come on." I whispered as I pulled her under my arm and headed to the bathroom.

"Up." I said and pointed to the sink. She then hopped up and sat on the sink so she's about my height now, maybe a little taller.

I looked underneath the sink for cotton balls, alcohol and some bandaids. I placed them on the sink and poured a little alcohol on the cotton ball and dabbed it on her cut.

She winced and pulled back.

"Sorry." I said as I did it more gentle.

Once I finished doing fucking doctor, I told Jane to come with me outside onto the porch. We sat on the porch chair swing and rocked a little.

"Would you mind telling me what really happened?" I asked putting my arm on the back of the chair. She shrugged and looked away.

"There's nothing to talk about." She whispered.

"Yes there is." I said leaning forward putting my elbows on my knees. "You did not fall down the stairs, someone did this to you. Was it that Catlin girl?"

Her body stiffened at the name. Ok so it was her. She must know her some how to just get worked up over the name.

"It doesn't matter though." She said looking down.

"Yes it does." I said lowering my head to see her face. "It matters so much. I don't want anyone hurting you so please tell me."

Her eyes kept darting back and forth, they were every where. It looked like she was fighting something inside her.

Maybe the choice of telling me or not. Her eyes her steady for a moment and mumbled something under her breathe.

"I can't let it happen." Was what I heard. I didn't think she knew I heard so she nodded and said,

"Alright, I'll tell you."

She looked up and placed her hands in between her legs nervously.

She let out a small sigh and spoke.

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