Chapter 25- One day down, a lot more to go

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I ran to my locker, trying to open it was fast as possible. I got it open, put all my books in my bag, closed it, and walked hurriedly to my class for dismissal.

Someone then stepped in front of me, blocking my way. Oh thank god it's just Josh.

"Woah where's the fire?" He asked. I sighed with relief.

"It's no where I just want to get out of here as fast as possible."

He tilted his head as if to ask, 'rough day?' I nodded at his silent question. He patted me on the shoulder.

"Same." He said. "Sucked not having you in the same class."

"Same." I said right back. "At least we're on the same bus."

He nodded. "Hey wanna walk around? We can do that since its our last year."

I smiled brightly.

"Let's ?" He asked in a snobbish voice which made me laugh.


We started walking around the school waiting for our bus to be called. We took this as an opportunity to talk about our day. Josh didn't have much to say, considering he didn't say anything all day to anyone besides me right now and at lunch. When he was done I told him my day.

I didn't have a very good first day as you might imagine. My teacher hates me, not all of them which is good but still, a girl who doesn't know me hates me, or at least I think, and everyone kept poking fun at my last name.

Before Josh could say something I bumped into someone.

"Oh cracker jacks." I said, trying to watch my language. I don't want to get caught swearing on the first day. "I'm so sorry."

I looked to see the girl from my class. I never caught her name.

"Oh look it's Ballsack." She said loud enough so the people walking by would hear it, which they did and they laughed.

"She's the one who tried to be friends with me." She said to her friends who giggled.

I looked down embarrassed and nervous. I guess our first encounter didn't help my anxiety and it made it worse. To add on to that, she just stared at me the entire day. No words just intense staring. Wouldn't that freak you out?

Josh, knowing I was scared and knowing what she said to me, spoke up, "She was just trying to be nice. Something you should try sometime."

That made me smile. At least someone's there for me.

I looked up at Josh. Yes, looked up. He's about 5'4 and I'm only 5 even so I'm pretty small.

He saw my movement, looked down at me and gave a small smile. I looked back at the girl who started to walk to Josh. My smile faded so fast as she looked him up and down.

"You're cute. I like you, so I'll let that pass."

I bit lip with my hands clenching into fists. I then felt a sudden ping in my chest. What's happening? Why does my chest hurt? I don't like Josh, do I?

No, no I don't we're just friends so shove that feeling back down your deep dark heart Jane.

Just then someone was shaking me.

"Jane?" Josh called out.

"What? Uhh... sorry." I said dazed. I must of zoned out a little in my thought.

"You've been staring at the girl for 5 minutes. She got creeped out and left."

I tilted me head a little. For five minutes? I don't recall staring at her.

"Are you alright?" He asked concerned. I nodded and opened my hands, which were now sweating and wiped them on my jeans.

"Did you catch her name by any chance?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah it's Catlin in pretty sure. Hey we're gonna miss the bus come on."

I nodded and we both ran to the front of the school to get to our bus. We took our seats in the back and went home.


Josh and I got off the bus and started to walk home together. We went to his house and I my own. We live next to each other. He turned around, waved and said,

"Life's a bitch don't quite. Stay happy not crappy!"

I laughed and waved bye as he entered his house and I my own. He always says things like that if I'm having a bad day. It always makes me laugh no matter what.

Just then I was greeted by my parents, who were overly excited.

"How was your first day?" My mother, Amy, asked. I gave a faint smile. There wasn't anything to talk about, anything good anyway.

"It was good surprisingly. Josh isn't in my classes which is a bummer, but our classes are near each other's so I still see him. Oh and I have Andy's teacher Mrs. Smith."

My parents looked taken back a little.

"She still teaches?" My dad, Chris asked. "She's a dinosaur."

I couldn't help but giggle. He isn't wrong.

My mother's face faded from happy to worried.

"No new friends?" She asked since I didn't mention anything about that. I shook my head but gave a reassuring smile to her.

"Don't worry mom it's only the first day. I'll meet people along the way."

I then pulled off my bag and handed them papers.

"Here are some things for you to sign. In the mean time I'll be in my room."

I then walked upstairs to my room and shut the door.

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