Chapter 12- Wake up

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"Jane is perfectly fine." He said.

With those words a wave of relief washed over me. It felt like the whole world was lifted off my shoulders. The face of dread I had now curved into a smile.

"Can we see her?" I asked. The doctor nodded.

"But there's something you should know first."

My heart dropped like a rock into my stomach. What could be wrong?

"Well since the wounds on her arms were far to close to stitch together we did something else. We usually do this with burn victims but we took skin close to her skin color as possible and stitched that on. Her cheek is fine she'll just have a bad scar on it."

I nodded, soaking in what he had said. That's not that bad, I thought to myself, she just has a bite of discoloration that's all.

"Well that's not bad." Jake said basically reading my thoughts.

The doctor started to speak again, finishing what he didn't I guess.

"Also she lost a lot of blood so she needs a blood transfusion. Is your blood AB+?"

I quickly nodded in response.

"Alright, come with me."

I followed the doctor to Janes room. She looked so peaceful when she's sleeping. I sat down in a chair near her bed and wait for the doctor. I took one of her hand in mine and started playing with her hair. I stared at her in awe by her cuteness of her sleeping. Well not sleeping but you know what I mean. This feeling seems familiar, I can't quite place it though. The doctor comes over and does the blood transfusion.

After he's done he let everyone in and they all gathered around Jane. I looked around to see the looks of pity. Their sorry for her. Juliet pulled up a chair and sat next to me, resting her head on my shoulder.

"She's gonna be alright," she whispered. "Don get to worked up over this."

I continued to look at Jane while responding. "I know, but it's just I've been in this spot before. With the same family member that I hold so close. Expect this time, no one is dying. I know it's a little thing but it shows I'm not doing my job. That I'm not protecting her."

I finished and lowered my head. Juliet placed her hand on top of mine, the one holding Janes hand.

"So when do you think she'll wake up?" Jake asked. Everyone shrugged. I smirked a little.

"Soon. She's tough she'll wake up soon enough. Trust me on that."

I lifted my head up to look at her and I smiled. Everyone laughed a little. It was silent from awhile until Jinxx broke it by saying,

"Hey remember that time when Jane was 14 and she punched this one girl cause she was making fun of her?"

I laughed at the memory. "Punched that botch square in the face. I was so proud."

Everyone laughed and I did to along with them.

"What about in that same year when she went to one of our concerts and stage divided?" Ashley said. Cc started to laugh hysterically remembering that crazy moment.

"Holy shit I remember that. Your face was priceless Andy."

I nodded laughing. "I was pissed. She's so lucky she wasn't hurt or I would of whooped her ass."

We all laughed. This felt good. Bringing back old memories that brought smiles to our faces just felt right. I mean she is annoying and she can be a pain in the ass but she's my pain in the ass. I love her and can't live without her.

Just then I felt the bed shift and move, probably one of the guys sitting on the bed or something. No ones moved and I looked back at Jane to see that her head moved to look at me.

She groaned and whispered, "Andy..?"

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