Chapter 6- Fighting at a Party

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I got out of my car and walked to the house. I opened the door and threw my keys on the table. I looked around and noticed that the house is filled with people, most of which are people I don't know. Some people that I know are here, Cc, Ashley, Jake, Jinxx, and Joe, are cousin. All the rest are strangers to me. They're all shouting, drinking beer, and laughing loudly. Andy came up from the basement with beers in his hand and noticed me. He walks over, taking a sip of his beer.

"Hey Jane I invited the band and some friends over for a forth of July party." He said. I nodded a bit disappointed. I kinda thought it was for me for some reason.

"Cool," I said. "I'll be in my room."

I walked away but a hand grabbed mine and pulled me back. I turn around to see Juliet was the one.

"Come on!" She said, laughing. "Stay with us awhile. I haven't seen you in forever."

She let go of my hand and held onto Andy's arm, like she always does. She is so drunk.

"I love your hair." She said. "Did you change it?"

She played with the ends of my hair which is red.

I smile a little. "I've had the red in my hair for awhile." I said. Yup. She is drunk.

"Oh yeah that's right."

I nodded and said, "I'll leave you guys to your party then."

Juliet nodded and walked away while Andy walked to me as I was walking away as well.

"Hey," He said. "This morning I saw something on your arm this morning. It looked like a tattoo but it wasn't right? Because I know you wouldn't go behind my back right?"

I moved my arm behind my back a little, sweating nervously. I'm usually so good at hiding things like this.

"Why would you say that?" I asked him, hoping he'll by the stupid card. I walked over to the kitchen with Andy tailing me.

"I just thought I saw something." He glanced over at my arm, trying to see it. "Just let me see it so I can be sure."

I shake my head. "There's no need to see it." I said. "You know that there's nothing. I would never go behind you."

He looked directly in my eyes and said, "If there's nothing there then you have nothing to hide so there's no reason why you can't show me."

I didn't respond. I was frozen. His eyes are so blue they can pierce you, no matter who you are.

"Show. Me."

I backed away but he grabbed my arm and shoved up my sleeve, showing my tattoo. Please don't be mad, I thought. What am I thinking, of course he's going to be mad. He gripped my arm tighter and I winced in pain.

"You got a tattoo!" He screamed. The whole room got silent, despite the room being loud as hell. All eyes were on us, I could feel them. Come on someone, help me! He released my arm and I rubbed it.

"You lied to me Jane!" He said loudly. "You got this when I told you not to! You went behind my back! With who? Who did you get this with?"

I tried to think of something, opening my mouth with nothing but air escaping it.

"You got this with Derek didn't you?" He asked. It was a question I wasn't suppose to answer because me and him both knew the answer.

"I can't believe this! I knew it, I knew it, I knew he was bad news. He's always been. You got piercings just for him."

He gestured to my eyebrow piercing. With that gesture everyone stared at me. I shake my head frantically.

"No no Andy listen-" I began but he cut me off.

"No! Don't make up an excuse for him! You know he's bad for you. But you don't care! You know what, I'm going to do something I should of done a while ago. I forbid you to see him. In fact, you're going to call him over here and break up with him in front of everyone!"

He's terrifying when he's mad. His voice is so loud. I began to tear up, in fear, shock, and just plan sadness. Ashley spoke up.

"Andy man, listen, Jane-" "Ashley I'm going to need you to shut up." Andy said, cutting him off. "Let me handle MY sister the way I want to."

Ashley immediately backed off, looking to me giving me a reassuring nod, well trying to any way. I don't think anyone can reassure me on this. Andy looked back at me pissed and said,

"How'd you even get this? You weren't old enough when you got it. What'd you do? Tell me you used my last name. Please tell me you did because it'll give me another reason to yell at you more."

I tried to speak but he shut me down like that.

"You can't use my last name like that. You were always like that when you were little, using my last name, thinking you can do what ever you want. It puts a bad label on-"

"It's not YOUR LAST NAME!!" I screamed cutting him dead center in his speech of bullshit. Andy's eyes widen a bit in surprised and so did everyone else's. They're all glued on me but at this point, I could care less.

"It's my last name to! And our father's and mother's, not just yours. I'm so done living behind you fucking shadow all the time!"

I took a pause to let Andy speak, well to let him think he can. He opened his mouth but I cut him off.

"I get all this bullshit from people saying shit like 'Oh can you get me this' and it's so annoying! 'Maybe if I pretend to like her she'll get me something,' 'Maybe if I act nice to her she'll get me this,' or the best one yet, 'Maybe if I get her into bed and fuck her she'll get me tickets!' And for your information my boyfriend got me this with a fake ID for a present! So yeah ground me for that I could careless!!"

Andy just stared at me, dumbstruck. I smirked. I felt kind of victorious. I've been wanting to say that forever. It was quiet for awhile until he asked,

"It's your birthday?"

I nodded. I heard someone face-palm at Andy's stupidity.

I said, "It's today you fucking genius."

I could tell he got more pissed at that statement. I have no clue how he could he already seems at his level.

"Well happy fucking birthday then!" He shouted. "That doesn't change the fact you got it underaged. And you're still underaged! You're 17-"

I cut him off. "I'm 18! You don't even know my fucking age! If I just turned 17 wouldn't our parents have just died? I mean it's hard to forget that."

A few gasps could be heard from some. I know, I hit a low blow don't judge me. I just need to win this one fight. It can't go on any longer. We might say something we both regret, and to be honest, I don't regret saying that. Andy smirked. What? Why is he smirking? What's going on in that head?

"You say that so easily," He said softly. "Like you don't even care that they're dead. It's like you killed them yourself! Yeah, you killed our parents! It's your fault they're dead!"

I froze. No. No no no no no that's not true. It was an accident I swear. It wasn't my fault it wasn't. I blink back my tears and said

"You know what? I don't have to deal with this, I'm 18, I can do what I want! The first thing that I'm going to do is move out!"

I walked over to the kitchen table trying to grab my keys but Andy gets them before I do.

"Where are you gonna go?" He asked, in a shout. "You make shit money working at HotTopic!"

I grabbed my jacket. "I'll get another job I don't care! Until I get enough money I'll be staying at Derek's!"

I opened the door and walked out. Andy followed but he stops at the last step on the porch.

"Get back here!" He yelled. I flipped him off and walked faster away. Once the house finally got out of sight and I was far away, i bursted out crying.

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