Chapter 24- Catlin

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I slammed my locker and clutched my books close to my chest. First days of school is the worst especially in middle school. Thankfully, this is my last year here then I'm off to high school and by the time that happens I'll be in California, where my brother is. God I miss him. The cool part about about moving is that I don't have to leave my friends. Scratch that, friend is more like it.

His name is Josh and the only reason he's moving is because his dad go a new job and their waiting for the end of the year to move. We've been friends for about 4 years now, we've been friends since we first started middle school.

I walked into my home room class and took a seat in the back. I watched all of the other kids fill in one by one. Some were happy, some were nervous, and some just didn't have any emotion at all. I saw some people get greeted with hugs, probably a friend they were happy to see. Everyone started talking before class actually started. They were getting to know each other, or just catching up.

Except me. I just sat there not talking to anyone.

I looked around and saw a girl doing the same thing I was. Feeling daring and stupid I got up and walked to her.

She was very pretty. Prettier then most people of our age which is 13/14. She had light brown hair, almost blonde, in a braid. She had on a white button up shirt, blue jeans and gray flats. Her eyes were a gray, blue color as well, very cool.

I waved at her to catch her attention. "Hi." I said with a smile. "I'm Jane. What's your name?"

She looked at me and then looked away again.

Okay what was that? Was she silently judging me? Maybe she's just shy is all, I'll give her another try.

"Umm hey. I came over cause I noticed you weren't talking to anyone. So I thought I'd talk to you. I wanted you to feel comfortable. I under stand if you're shy, I'm-"

"I'm not shy." The girl said which cut me off. "I'm just pissed off that none of my friends are here and I'm stuck with a bunch of losers."

I was caught off guard with her sudden little rant.

It's ok, I thought. Don't let that get you mad. Don't let your judgements cloud your head.

Maybe she's nice, I just have to get to know her. I'd be mad if none of my friends were here, or friend really. I mean, I am, Josh isn't here so I'm in the same boat. I'll just give her another try.

"They're not losers." I said with a small laugh. "I mean I don't know them personally but they're probably good people. You might get along with them you never know. You just have to give them a chance like me."

I finished with a bright smile. The girl, looked at me, eyes trailing from my eyes to my toes and back again. Okay this time she's judging me I know that. She can't really judge me though, I'm not wearing anything out of the ordinary. I have a Fall Out Boy shirt on, black jeans and sneakers. That's not that bad right?

The girl rolled her eyes and spoke, "Look, I don't need to give anyone a chance, especially you. I just want to get this whole day over with. Now get away from me, freak."

I tilted my head slightly in confusion. Why would she say something like that? I was only trying to be friendly. It's so hard for me to even talk to people, it gives me so much anxiety. The moment I do, I get treated so badly. My hands started to sweat and my heart raced. No, stupid anxiety go away. Not now.

Suddenly the bell rung which made me jump. Quickly, I ran back to my desk in the back and sat down. The teacher walked in and that immediately shut everyone up.

She was pretty old but she wore her age so well.

"Welcome back to school everyone!" She said in a much more excited manner then anyone was in. "My names Mrs.Smith and I'm very happy to be your home room teacher for your last year. Now, before we get started, I'd like to take attendance."

She walked over to her desk and sat down, putting on her glass. She raised the booklet and started calling names.

"Jane..." Oh jeez. She's having trouble with my last name I assume. I looked up at her, her face looked shocked, angry and scared.

What's her problem?

"Umm, ma'am." I spoke up. "It's Biersack ma'am. Beer-sack."

Everyone giggled, at my last name and said things like 'Ballsack.' One person had a small gasp. They probably new my brother. He's not famous yet but he will be. He's had a few songs on YouTube, Gunslinger is my favorite out of all. He'll make it big, I believe in him and his band.

Just then Mrs.Smith stood up.

"I know what it is young lady. I was just surprised they had another."

I tilted my head. Was she talking about my parents having me?

Oh. My. God. She's Andy's old teacher. The one who always called him 'B' instead of his really name. Also the one where he tormented as a kid. Acting up so much, I remember him sitting in the office while I waited outside until he was done getting yelled at by the principle.

Thanks for ruining my life Andy.

She started to make her way to me.

"I had your brother you know, odd one he was. You take after him."

Everyone laughed. She doesn't even know me! How does she know if I'm anything like him.

"Let's just hope that you are smarter then he was. B"

I sighed.

Let hell begin.

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