Chapter 22- Running Away

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I slammed my car door and ran up the steps to Juliet's house. If anything, Jane would be here, she trusts Juliet more than anything. I knocked on the door and she answered and looked confused.

"Hey Andy," she said. "What's wrong?"

"Jane." I said immediately after her question. "Is Jane here? Did she come through? Please please tell me she's here."

She looked worried at the sound of my pleading voice. Sadly she shook her head.

"I'm sorry Andy I haven't seen her. Is everything alright?"

I shook my head. "No, everything's not alright. I can't tell you right now but just do me a favor. If Jane comes here, call me immediately."

She agreed and I thanked her running off and to my car.

I went to Cc's house, nothing. Jinxx's house was the same way, and so was Ashley's. I got to Jake's and had high hopes. Please be here Jane.

I got to the door and knocked on it. Jake answered.

"Hey Andy what's up?"

Jane, is Jane here?" I asked frantically. He shook his head. My heart sank like a rock when he did.

"Damn it!" I yelled. Jake looked a bit startled at my sudden out burst.

"Woah man is everything alright?"

"No. Everything is not alright. I lost her man. I can't find her."

Jake opened the door wider inviting me in. "Why don't you come in and sit down."

He said those words a bit louder for some reason. I nodded and headed inside.

When I got in I saw something run up the stairs. I couldn't see exactly what it was but it was something. I didn't think anything of it and sat down on the couch. Jake followed and sat next to me.

"So what exactly happened to Jane?"

I sighed and began to tell the whole story to him. I told him everything I said, did and should of done. It was hard not to at least shed a few tears at the story.

I finished and leaned forward, putting my head in my hands.

"Now it's almost dark and still haven't found her."

Jake nodded, soaking in all I had said.

"Wow, Andy I wish I could help some how, I really do."

"No it's my problem and fault. You don't need to help."

He nodded and I got up heading out the door. My whole body felt empty, like nothing. I'm drained. I don't know what to do anymore.

I got in my car and left.


I closed the door and let out a long sigh.

"He's gone." I shouted. I saw Jane's head poke out from the wall near the stairs.

"Thanks." She said softy. I walked over to her.

"You know you can't hide from Andy forever. You have to talk to him."

She looked down and nodded. "I know. But you weren't there. You didn't see us fight. It was horrible."

She walked over to the couch and sat down. I followed and put an arm around her trying to comfort her.

"Look Jane, you're like family to me. You're basically the bands little sister and we would be devastated if anything happened to you. Andy, well he wouldn't know what to do with himself. He'd be lost like he is now. You heard how he was right?"

She nodded and looked down ashamed. I continued.

"Then you know how much this hurts him. You're all he has left for family. If you're gone then he has nothing left to live for. There's the band yes but..."

I stopped mid way through my sentence. I should tell Jane what Andy told me, it might help some how.

"Hey I'm going to tell you something that Andy told me."

She looked up at me curious at what I had to say.

"I was talking to him, sometime after your parents past away and he said something to me that stuck with me all this time. 'Family is important, you always have to hold onto it. No matter what you're going through with them, you have to stick together. Friends may come and go but your family will always be there.'

I finished and looked at Jane. She was biting her lip, holding back tears. I nodded as a sign for her to just let it out. She then started sobbing on my shoulder. I rubbed her back gently to comfort her.

"Shh, shhh, it's alright."

I could feel her shake her head on my shoulder. She lifted her head and looked at me, tears streaming down her face.

"I hurt Andy. I hurt him because I blamed him for the fight. It wasn't-his- fault."

Those last words were in between sobs until she just went back to full on crying.

Damn, I've never seen her like this before. Her or Andy. It hurts me to see them like this.

"I don't want you guys to stay like this." I said softly. "It hurts me, it hurts all of us. I don't want you two to grow apart"

She nodded understanding. Her crying stopped and she sniffed back more tears that her trying to escape.

"I just need more time. I don't think I'm ready to talk to him. I mean, he saw my scars. He looked disappointed in me. He looked a lot of things but he was disappointed it was there."

I shook me head, there's no way Andy would be that way.

There was a little pause between us. I know Janes not finished and I want her to have her say.

"I mean he as the right to be disappointed. He never cut, he rose above it with his song. I on the other hand didn't. He has this thought that if he never did it then I shouldn't because I look up to him. Monkey see monkey do, you know. Fuck I shouldn't of cut again, this is my fault."

"Don't say that." I said, I bit louder then I meant to. "It's not your fault that you started to cut. It's the people who made you feel like you did,-"

"Yeah but their not the ones who took the blade and dug it into my skin. I was me. I did it with my own to hands because it took away the pain I was feeling. No one "made" me do anything. It was MY choice."

My eyes grew wide at her change of heart. I guess she starting to see things a little differently now.

She pushed herself off the couch and put her back to me. She then hugged herself lightly, wanting comfort.

I sighed, got up and walked to her placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I understand. Why don't you get some rest, it's late."

She nodded and headed over to the couch and laid down. I walked over and placed a blanket over her.

"Promise me one thing." I whispered to her. "If you-no when you sneak out, because I know you will, go to Andy. I don't want my lying to my best friend go to waste."

Her eyes traveled from mine to the ground. She didn't answer me, no nod no yes nothing. She just shifted her body so I now face her back. I shook my head a little disappointed and placed a kiss on her forehead. I then walked upstairs to my room and fell on to the bed.

"I hope they work this out."

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