Chapter 29-Promise me

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Once the bell rang I quickly got up and headed for my locker. I got all my things and went to Jane's locker, grabbing her bag and books. Good thing I know her combination.

What? I know her combination yes I'm a creep get over it.

Not wanting to wast any time, when they called parent pick up and walkers I headed straight for the front doors. I need to see how Jane is, she must be traumatized at what just happened.

Just then someone grabbed my arm. I turned around to see Catlin holding my arm. What the hell does she want? Hasn't she down enough?

"Where are you going?" She asked. "You usually don't leave this early."

"I just want to leave. Is that to much to ask?" I answered back coldly. She smirked.

"You're going to see Jane aren't you? Why? She'll just bleed all over you."

She laughed at her own statement. My body boiled with anger. I just want to punch her in the face. How does Jane deal with her everyday? Gosh, she's tougher than I give her credit for.

"Do you like her or something?"

I froze. Do I? I mean, she is kinda cute. She has the cute little snort when she laughs to hard, her eyes squint a little to when she laughs, and she has the cute giggle. Not to mention the way she looks when she reads, is lost in thought, and concentrates. Her tongue always sticks out when she's trying her hardest and I just find that so adorable.

No, no what am I thinking? I can't ruin our friendship because of my feelings. She probably doesn't even see me the way I see her. I should just forget these feelings.

I shook my head. "No we're just friends."

Then I tugged my arm away and ran all the way to my house.

Once I got to my house something caught my eye. I looked up at Jane's bedroom window and saw her sitting on the window, her feet dangling as she looked down. Then she went back into her room. What was she doing?

Quickly I went into my house when I was greeted by my mother.

"How was school honey?" She asked. I placed my stuff on the floor.

"It was good. A lot of things happened. Hey I'm gonna go over Jane's house okay?"

She nodded and I bolted out the door to see Jane in her window again only this time she was standing on it. Is she gonna...?


I ran to her house and opened the front door which was thankfully unlocked. I ran into her house, dropped her stuff and ran up to her room.

I opened the door and saw Jane taking one step forward out the window. Quickly, I ran and grabbed her by the waist pulling her and making us fall.

"Ow..." Jane mumbled. I pushed myself up with my hands to see that I was on top of Jane who's eyes were wide and who's face was red. I must of pulled her in and made her fall first.

I got up off of her quickly and sat down near her as she pushed herself up.

"Jane, what were you doing?" I asked. I already knew what she was doing. She was going to jump, she was going to kill herself.

All she did was look away ashamed and didn't answer.

"Jane what-"

I stopped because something on her bed caught my eye. It was a note folded up.

I got up and slowly walked over to her bed and picked up the note. I saw Jane get up and lunge forward for the note but I pulled it away.

"No Josh don't read that... please." She begged.

To late Jane.

I began to read the note that was titled 'Sorry.'

'Hey so, I'm not good with goodbyes so yeah. Mom, dad, Andy, and Josh. I'm sorry.'

I lowered the note and looked at Jane who was tearing up.

"Jane, Jane why-"

I stopped, my heart getting caught in my throat. I don't know what to say. I can't believe she would do this.

"I'm sorry. I j-just c-c-can't take it-it."

She just lost it right then and there. She feel to her knees crying into her hands, muffling her cries. She turned her back to me, I guess she doesn't want to look at me.

I kneeled down behind her and hugged her from behind.

"You should of told me you felt like this." I said, choking up. "So tell me. Talk."

I let go of her and she turned around, wiping up her tears and began to tell me everything. She even showed me her cuts which I didn't know she had. I wasn't horrified at them, I was just shocked. I didn't look at her any less than what she is, a great friend.

She also showed me the texts. She was reluctant at first but showed me any way.

After a while she finished and I wrapped her in a tight hug. She hugged back gripping the back of my shirt.

"Promise me one thing." I said pushing her away gently with my hands on her shoulders.

"Promise me you'll never cut again."

Her eyes widened. She was shocked that I said something like that and I guess she thinks she won't be able to keep it.

She opened her mouth to protest but I cut her off.

"I don't ever want to lose my best friend. So please promise me this and I'll promise you I'll protect you."

I held up my pinkie and waited for her to wrap hers with mine.

"I swear to god it'll be okay." I whispered. She then took her pinkie and wrapped it with mine.

"Promise." She said.

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