Chapter 31-I need you

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I screamed. I just sat there and screamed for Andy. I don't know what to do. All I can do is cry over him.

I quickly got up and ran over to him stumbling and falling to my knees. I heard the guy call 911 in a panicked voice. I didn't bother to yell or curse at him. I just cried next to Andy's body.

"Andy!" I cried out. "Andy get up! Please please don't leave me."

I started to shake him lightly, trying to wake him up, to get him to open his eyes and look at me.

"I need you." I whispered. "Please you're all I have left. I can't live with out you. Please, your little sister needs her big brother."

I continued to shake him when he then rolled onto his back and I just lost it.

He's face was all cut up, his heads bleeding out, shirts all ripped up and there's glass all over him.

I cried into my hands. I lost him, I lost my only family.


I sniffed tears back and looked up from my hands. Andy's eyes were slightly opened and he was breathing. A smile made its way on to my face and sirens could be heard in the distance.

"Oh thank god!" I held his hand. "Please stay with me. The ambulance is almost here."

Just then the ambulances screeched to a stop along with a police car as well. Four guys came out of the ambulance, two opened the back getting the stretcher and the other two rushed over to me and Andy.

"Can you tell me what happened?" One said as he straightened Andy's body out.

I got chocked up, I couldn't speak of what happened. I want to get it out but I can't, it's like my body's still in shock but emotional I know. I just sat there, actually trying to figure out what happened even though I knew. I just don't want to believe.

The guy started shaking me. "Girl, girl what happened here?"

I shook my head and straightened out my thoughts. "He pushed me out of th-the. The ca-car was g-goin so, so so fast."

He nodded and lifted Andy up on the stretcher at the same time with the other guy. The wheeled him back to the ambulance and put him in. I got in slowly and once I did they took off blaring their sirens.

I looked back to see the police talking to the driver until they were out of sight. Two guys worked on Andy hurriedly and the other worked on my head, stitching it up.

Everything was going so good until this.


We got out of the ambulance and headed inadequate the emergency part of the hospital. I was stopped by a nurse as Andy was being wheeled away.

"What's his name?" She asked. I swallowed hard catching my breath.

"Andy. Andy Biersack. I'm Jane his sister."

She looked at me as if she'd heard my name before and his. She wasn't excited like a fan would be, she's more 'these guys again?'

She sighed and walked away. I shrugged it off because I can't deal with what ever that was right now.

Call them! I gotta call the guys that's the first thing I should do.

I got out my phone and called Juliet first. I then called the band. After that I just sat there waiting for them, because when they get here they'll comfort me and that's all I need right now. Comfort.

What about Josh? Should I call him? He's been ignoring me for 3 months, why should I. He did tell Andy where I was though, and Andy did say we had an excuse.

I sighed and dialed up Josh.


Everyone got here almost at the exact same time like they took the same car. The only person that didn't show up was Josh.

I told them everything, about what happened and they took it so much better than I did. The guys looked sick and sad at the same time while Juliet was crying. Jake comforted her as they walked over to chairs to sit down.

I sat down on a chair and pulled my legs up to my chest hugging them tightly. I placed my head on my knees, and started to silently cry. I don't want them to see me cry, though it's obvious that I am. I'm shaking so hard.

We waited and waited for Josh, I told them he was coming. I wouldn't talk to anyone or let anyone near me until he was here.

Just then the sound of sneakers skidded down the hall and people yelled, 'hey,' or 'watch it.'

I looked up to see Josh in a door way panting a little. I smiled a little at his presence and got up. I ran over to him and we collided with an embracive hug. He held me so tightly and I did the same.

"I'm so sorry Jane." Josh whispered, which started to turn into a cry.

"Oh Josh..." I said in between sobs.

We finally let go and by the time that happened everyone was staring at us. Even in this time of stress and sadness they were smiling a little. My ears got hot and I walked over to chairs to sit down.

"So what happened?" Josh asked, sitting next to me. I told him the same story I told everyone but this time I lost it. The sound of Andy getting hit replayed over and over like a scratched record. His lifeless body was in my head and I could get it out.

Josh pulled me over to him and I cried into his chest.

Please make it Andy...please.

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