Chapter 30-Just when things were looking up

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"I broke the promise about a week later. I still regret it to this day. I didn't stop until I was 14 close to 15. Josh never found out but not telling him haunts me."

I let out a sigh and nervously played with the rocks as I waited for a response from Andy. We had two trains go over us before Andy wanted us to move because he was getting nervous.

I just stared at the ground emotions building up inside me. I shoved all of my tears back as I told the story but now their coming back. I blinked rapidly to keep them back.

No words were said for awhile until a hug engulfed me. It was a tight hug with his chin on my head. I didn't hug back, I just sat there. This is so much for him to take in so I'll just let him hug me. Let him comfort me and protect me from what was because he couldn't before.

"Why haven't you told me this?" He asked. I buried my face in his chest.

"You were in California working on your dream. I didn't want to get you all worked up. I would of told you we we moved there but you were so happy that I didn't want to ruin it."

"What about mom and dad?"

I didn't answer. I just buried my face further in his chest. I just want to get away.

"I understand." He whispered. I looked up at him to see him shedding small tears. I wiped them away with my fingers and smiled slightly. He smiled back.

"Let's head home." He said and I immediately nodded.

I just want to get away, forget about this, and relax.

We got up and walked together. We walked away from a place I feel I might not need anymore.

"Did you drive?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah but it's a little ways away."

"When we get home, can we have ice cream?"

He laughed and we both said, "Chocolate ice cream with rainbow sprinkles and whipped cream," at the same time.

We both laughed.

"We can watch Big Hero Six as well. I know you love it."

I smiled and got excited. "Really? Oh thank you!"

We continued to walk to his car which is pretty far away he wasn't lying.

I gasped in excitement. "Or we could binge watch batman movies in our onesies!"

He laughed at me and messed up my hair playfully.

"That's why you're my sister." I giggled and fixed my hair.

"Do you want to start all the way in the beginning?" He asked. I nodded.

"Yes that'd be so much better!" He laughed at my excitement and I smiled.

After I told Andy my story, I feel like the whole universe was lifted off me. My heart feels light and I just feel like I'm floating with happiness. This is the first time in a long time I felt genuinely happy. I'm not forcing it or just not feeling happy at all. I'm actually happy.

We crossed the street when my phone fell out of my pocket.

"Hey hold up I dropped my phone." I said as I went to pick it up. I looked and saw Andy waiting for me. I quickly ran over to him when he suddenly pushed me back.

I fell back and smashed my head on the concrete. Just then I heard a bunch of cracks and one big plop like something fell to the ground.

What the hell was that? Better yet why'd he pushed me?

I slowly pushed myself up and blinked a few times to get my vision. I put my fingers to the side of my head and looked at them. I winced in pain and noticed blood. I must of split my head open or something.

I sat up and looked back where Andy was standing. Only this time he wasn't standing. He was laying on the ground, lifeless, not moving, dead. A car was stopped not to far away and a guy got out who looked sick to his stomach. His car was a wreck.

My eyes widened and I shook my heD in denial. No. No tell me this isn't true.

I covered my mouth as tears flowed from my eyes.

Just when everything was fine, just when things were looking up for me and Andy, things blow up.

The universe just collapsed on my body again.

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