Chapter 32- The Ray of Hope in my Nightmare

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I woke up to the feel of someone shaking my lightly. I opened my eyes a little to see that it was Josh. I feel asleep on his chest.

"Wha-what time is it?" I asked tiredly as I looked up at Josh.

"It's almost 10pm. The surgery took a lot of house but he's up. He's out of surgery"

That woke me up so fast. I started to smile widely.

"Everyone is already in his room. Come on."

I got up and stretched out my body with Josh doing the same. I stopped for a moment and asked.

"How come you've been ignoring me?"

That questioned lingered on my tongue the moment I saw him. I just never had a chance to ask and I want to get out of the way before I see Andy.

He looked away ashamed and took me by the hand. We sat down on chairs and he began to tall me everything. He told me what Catlin did to him and what she would do if he talked to me or helped me. Each event that he told was like a stab in the heart. I hated that he was getting hurt.

"This is all my-"

I was going to say 'fault' but got cut off when Josh's lips pressed lightly against mine. My face went cherry red and my eyes widened in surprise. My surprised feeling went away when my heart leaped into the air. This feels right, it feels like my body has been dying to do this for so long, and it feels he's been dying to do this to.

Josh pulled back and looked at me with his eyes full of emotions.

"I love you." He said. My face went even more red. "Gosh you have no idea how long I've been wanting to say that."

My heart raced. He's been wanting to say that? He's been in love with me?

"I love you too." I said, smiling slightly. I love him. I really do, it took me so long to figure it out but now I know I really do love him.

"We should go see Andy." He said getting up. I nodded and did the same. We walked to Andy's room and I stopped at the door.

Behind this door, is my brother, laying in a hospital bed, strapped to machines and looking lifeless with the band and Juliet in it looking at him like he's dead. Am I ready to see him?

Josh the walked up next to me and took my hand giving it a light squeeze for reassurance. I gave one back and opened the door.

What we saw was truly....horrifying.

Andy was laying in a hospital bed looking lifeless, strapped to machines, tubes sticking out of god knows where, and wearing a breathing mask. Everyone was scattered all over the room; Juliet was sitting in a chair close to Andy as was Ashley, Cc was at the foot of his bed, and Jake and Jinxx were sitting on a little table a few feet away from Andy.

Then, I feel to my knees and cried. This is all my fault, he could of died because of me.

Josh kneeled down next to me and put an arm around me. He then whispered in my ear, "Life's a bitch don't quit. Stay happy not crappy."

In the middle of my cry I managed to get out a little laugh. He's like a my ray of happiness in my nightmare.

I sucked back tears and got up making my away to Andy. Juliet got up and gave my her seat. I sat down and moved it closer to Andy as she stood next to me. I took Andy's hand and held it.

"I'm so sorry Andy." I mumbled so no one could hear me. Seeing him like this, makes me feel like I could of done something. I could of done something but I did nothing.

Then, something clicked on my head. This feeling, is how Andy felt when I was in the hospital. I understand now. This feeling of guilt and helplessness could make anyone so protective.

I stared at him for what seemed like forever until I got a tap on the shoulder.

"Jane, sweetie, visiting hours are over. We have to go." I looked around to see that everyone wasn't in there spot where I last saw them.

"You can stay here over night if you'd like. They said that was okay."

I looked at her and she knew that look meant I'm staying. She wasn't going to argue. She walked out along with the band but Josh stayed behind.

"You can go." I said. "This isn't your problem."

He chuckled a little. "Yes it is. You're MY problem so what ever your problem is, it's mine as well. We're in this together. I protect you when Andy can't."

I smiled a little and said softly, "Thank you."

He walked over to me and kissed my head. "No problem. Now go to sleep, get some rest."

I nodded and got on the bed with Andy. I moved him ever so slightly and laid with him. I held his hand and waited for my eyelids to get heavy.

He's so warm. He's calm and a little mangled state scared me yes, but it also relaxed me with his steady breathing. To calm myself down, I breathed in rhythm with him. My eyes got heavy and I slowly closed my eyes.

Let this nightmare end.

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