Chapter 11- The Discovery

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I stepped closer to the alleyway to see who, or what made the noise.

"Hello?" I asked loudly. The moan got louder and I heard the word "help" come out. I walked into the alleyway and saw someone sitting down, leaning against the building behind them. I knelt down and started to shake them.

"Hey, hey are you alright?" Wait. Jane?

I lifted their face lightly by the chin to see their face. It's Jane! Oh thank god. I looked at her face to see a large scratch on it and someone what dry blood. Then I looked down at her left arm to see a huge scratch on it. Hell, scratch doesn't even describe what that is.

I'm going to kill Derek if I get the chance.

Not wasting any time I picked Jane up bridal style and took her to my truck. She must of passed out from losing to much blood and just now woke up. Barely wake up if I might add.

I laid her down in the back seat and got in. I then jammed my foot on the gas pedal and went straight to the hospital.


I quickly got out and picked Jane up the same way as before. I carried her to the hospital entrance and took another look at her. She looks so weak, pale, and bloody.

Killing seems to easy for what Derek should get. I'll torture him instead. Slowly.

Jane then tilted her head up ever so slightly and whispered,


I nodded to comfort her. There's not much I can do so that's the best I could come up with.

Just then a male nurse comes over to me and takes Jane out of my hands placing her lightly on a gurney.

"We'll take it from here." He said wheeling her off. I tried to follow but I was stopped by a female nurse.

"You'll have to wait here sir." She said sternly. "Give me her name and yours. We need it."

"She's Jane and I'm Andy. Biersack. She's my sister you have to let me go."

She shook her head. "I'm sorry I can't let you go. You'll have to wait in here."

I sighed and made my way over to the chairs. I slumped down in one and took out my phone. I have to call the guys and Juliet to, I need them. Just then, tears escaped my eyes and fell onto my phone.

Yeah, I defiantly need them.


I kept pacing back and forth waiting. It's been 2 hours what could they be doing!

"So what exactly happened?" Ashley asked, breaking the silence between us all.

I ran my fingers threw my hair and shaking my head and shrugging at the same time.

"From what fuckboy Derek told me, Jane came over and found out he was cheating. All this other shit went down and he grabbed her, she pushed him, then he hit her. But when she pushed him his nails were so fair in that they took skin. You could see bone almost."

As I explained Cc gagged a little. "Come on I just ate."

I continued to pace. Mumbling to myself, looking like a lunatic.

"I-I don't know what to do... I mean I just. I don't know."

I stopped moving and turned my back to everyone. I just stood there and stared at the ground. I heard someone walk up behind my patted me on the back.

"It's gonna be alright man don't worry. But dude, you look just a tiny bit crazy."

I looked at him and gave him the death glare. This is no time to crack jokes like that.

He immediately backed off, looking like he just saw a ghost.

"Mr. Biersack?" A voice called out of the commotion of everyone else.

I quickly moved to the voice stumbling a little.

"That's me. Is Jane ok? Please give me good news?"

I felt everyone come up behind me but they gave me a few feet of space. Juliet on the other hand came up right next to me and took my hand in hers, giving it a light squeeze. I squeezed back lightly as well.

The doctor looked down at his clip board and started speaking.

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