Chapter 26- The skype call

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I threw my phone at the wall and ran my fingers through my hair trying to pull it together. Unfortunately, my phone didn't break, it just kept beeping, text after text. You think I'm just so popular?

Wrong. I'm the opposite, everyone hates me for no reason what so fucking ever. I guess it's cause Catlin spread that rumor about me being a cutter, pulling my hair, pushing me, name calling, the constant knocking of books out of my hand and so on and so forth this list goes.

I walked over to my phone and looked at the texts. 'Mistake,' 'worthless,' 'emo,' 'go die,' 'I hope you and your brother die.' They just keep coming. How in the hell did she even get my number? What ever, it doesn't matter.

Just then I got a text from Josh.

'Life's a bitch don't quit. Stay happy not crappy.'

This time however it didn't make me smile. I just stared at it. He sent it again, again, and again until he was spamming me. I smiled a little at his constant texts and then heard my parents talking.

I pressed my ear up against the door and listened to their conversation.

"She's not making any friends Chris." My mother said sounding on the verge of tears. "I know Andy had very few friends and he was different and we supported him but I just wish Jane was different."

"I understand." My father said comforting her. "But if she's turning into Andy than that's what's happening. All we can do is support her."

They stopped talking and I removed my ear from the door. I'm not like Andy, I'm different.

I clenched my fists in anger. I guess I'm the screw up that ended bad in the end. Not Andy though, he's the screw up that made it big and now everyone loves him. I'm just the little sister that just sits in the corner because I'm talentless and everyone hates me for it. I'm the unwanted kid. Im the weird one that's never accepted. I'm just the other Biersack that no one knows about.

Tears streamed down my face and my chest started to heart. It wasn't the hurt that I had when Catlin was all over Josh, this was different. It was like I was being stabbed in the heart.

Make it stop. I thought. I sighed and opened my door heading to the bathroom. Just then my parents bursted through their bedroom.

"Jane look it's Andy! He's on Skype for his birthday."

I looked over to see them holding a laptop with a smiling Andy on it. Oh right! It's his birthday! He's 19.

I sucked back my teas and ran over.

"Hey Jane!" He yelled waving at me. I smiled and waved back.

"Hey." I took the laptop from my mom who said, "Why don't you catch up?"

I nodded and headed into my room closing the door. I climbed on my bed and sat criss cross.

"Happy Birthday. You're 19!"

He smiled and laughed. "Yeah I am. So you get anything cool for Christmas?"

I shrugged. "Just some FOB, MCR, Batman, and t shirts, some CDS and other things." He nodded.

"So how's California?" I asked. Right after that his face lit up like the forth of July.

"Oh my god it's so cool. There's so much I have to tell you."

So on and on he went about California and how cool it was. Just him talking about it makes me want to go their more. It sounds so cool! During his whole little speech about it my phone kept going off which wasn't much fun.

"So how's school going? From what I'm hearing it's going good."

My smile went away and I'm left with the thought of telling him or not. I mean I have to tell someone it's not going good. He is in California though, I don't want him to worry.

I merely shrugged and threw my phone across the room to just get it out of the way. That didn't seem to bother Andy so he asked me another question.

"So I heard you have Mrs.Smith, how's that working out?"

"It's alright." I said with a shrug. "She's a real bitch and calls me 'b' cause she doesn't like saying my name."

He laughed a little. "She did that to me to."

I nodded. "But she's only being a bitch because of you. I'm not saying it's your fault but since you're my brother she thinking I'm just like YOU. I'm not just like you! Why can't people see that I'm different."

I stopped and sighed. I didn't mean to go on that rant. I probably made Andy feel bad on his birthday.

He sighed as well. "Look Jane, don't let her get you down. Being a little sister is hard because you're either hiding behind someone's shadow, trying to get to someone's height in achievement, or other things. Go prove her wrong, show her that you're different. Be you. You're my sister and I'd hate to see you get hurt."

I smiled and said, "Thanks." I started to yawn. I looked over at the clock to see it was about 11pm.

"Sounds like you should go to bed." Andy said with a chuckle. I nodded.

"Yeah but before I do promise me something."

He looked confused at first but than agreed with a head nod.

"Promise me you'll make it big. Prove everyone who looked down on you wrong. Prove the people who look down on me wrong. Show them that you can do something right and you are a star. Change the world with those guitars. For me"

I held up my pinkie. I know it's childish but I trust this more than anything.

I tilted my head, looking at him with hope in my eyes. He smiled and held up his as well.


I don't know if he's really 19 in that pic and I really don't care XD it's the only one I found where he did like a vid and he looked about the age I need him to be.

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