Chapter 2

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As I woke up I felt worse than yesterday. I felt like I couldn't get up at all, I just wanted to sleep and never wake up. But I went to school and it's not much better. I don't know why but I feel like something isn't right. Even Ryu couldn't tell what it was. Should I go to the doctor? I mean my breast kinda hurts. Also I feel like throwing up and sleeping all the time. And I don't want to do anything. Not even volleyball. But I have to. Otherwise I can't look asahi in the eyes.

So I went through all my classes. I didn't really spend attention, but I never do that so. The second the class was over I run out of the classroom to go as fast as possible to the training. Wait I forgot... I can't go to training... So I went out of the school and on the way home. The women don't train yet, they normally start in like 2 hours. But I'll use that time to train alone. I have to get better, so asahi can come back.

When I came home I went to bed, like yesterday. I wasn't hungry anyways. And I am also to lazy to make myself some food right now. I really don't feel so good. I should tell Ryu, he is always there for me. On the first sight he seems like a loud annoying man who always yells, but when you know him a little more, you can see how caring he really is. He is always caring for the team and always thinks about what would make them feel better. He just shows his love in a different way. But he can also be very sensitive and you can talk to him about serious things too.

So I send him a message "don't feel so good tbh, any ideas?" then I looked up to my room again. After some minutes I think he responded "want me to come over or you to my house?" I smiled at his message. He knows I will say I wanna come to his house. I just feel way better there. There is my best bro and his cool sister. Also my parents are kinda strict. I mean they are nice and caring I think but sometimes I feel like they hate me. But that's normal I guess, everyone feels like that about their parents right?

So I get my phone and slowly go outside of my room, I think my parents are in the living room. So I carefully tell them Im staying at Ryu tonight. They didn't really listen to me but they often did not. But they also don't mind when I go to Ryu. So I leave the house. I didn't pack any things besides my phone, all I need is already at his place. Guess I'm to often at his place.

While I am walking to his house I can't stop thinking about asahi. Why did he have to leave me? I don't want him to leave. Not like everyone else. In my old school I kinda got bullied for my hair, so I sometimes dyed it brown like the rest. Now I love my hair.

I finnaly arrived at Ryu and I grap the key of their house. It was under the plant next to the door, the family told me to use it. I unlocked the door and went to the living room, where Ryu and his sister sat. They were arguing about who is the better sibling. I smiled and said hey. After that I lied down on the couch and saeko pat my head. She's so cool! Ryu went to the kitchen and made me tea.

"I think I am broken" I said to them while he came back with the tea. He sits next to me and puts the tea on the coffee table. I feel comfortable around them two, they are my family. I really feel home here. Ryu asks what we wanna do but actually I don't feel like doing anything. I just wanna lie here and do nothing. He accepts that and graps his controllers, so he can play some games. Saeko plays with him sometimes. This feels like a really family.

What am I thinking, my family is a real family too. I don't feel that comfortable around them but that's normal right? It's just because Ryu is my bro that I feel home here. My parents are not bad, they are good people! I am so mean to feel somewhere else more comfortable than around them. I am sorry mom, dad.

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