Chapter 22

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*POV Tanaka*

Answer me dumbass. Why has he been ignoring me? And he also hasn't been in school for 3 days now. I was so worried. Did his parents now forbid him to go to school? What was wrong with them?

I decided to talk to them today, after school. They were pretty strict, I always knew that, but what they're doing right now is litterally illegal.

If they won't listen to me I'll call the police.

In school I couldn't concentrate at all. I was so worried. And after what felt like forever I could finally leave. I skipped practice today. I had to talk to them. NOW. I had a really bad feeling.

As I stood in front of their door I had to calm my breath,because I ran here. And then I finally knocked. I could hear them yell inside, but it suddenly stopped when they heard me.

This was not good. I didn't know why but I felt like I couldn't breathe. Was this a panic attack?

I tried to stay calm though. I had to figure out wtf was wrong with them. So I prepared myself for a big fight.

But instead I got yelled at.

M: "Where have you been you little bitch? Are you really that big of a slut to sleep- oh"


Who was she expecting? Yuu? But how? I thought he was here? Was he not? Where was he?

Thousand questions formed inside my head and I started feel even worse.

No, stay calm. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding.

R: "Yuu is not here?"

D: "No he is sleeping at someones dick. Such a slut. Disgusting."

R: "He's what?"

M: "I honestly thought he was at your place since he just went away and didn't tell us. He knew I wouldn't allow him to fuck around. But he has you"

R: "I'm sorry? You think I'm sleeping with your son? Sorry to disappoint you but-"

M: "Yea yea whatever, why did you come here? He told you to?"

R: "What? No! I don't know where he is and I thought you kept him in your basement or something. Are you seriously telling me your son is MISSING and you have NOTHING better to do than complain about him being gay?? Wow you're so disgusting."

M: "What do you mean he's missing? He probably run away to hop onto someone's dock, just like the slut he is"

R: "Is this still about the fucking picture?? Are you fucking serious? You do know that was a fucking dare! This is your fault! You're so disgusting! I'm going to call the police now and you better pray that you both won't be send to fucking jail"

With that I slammed the door and left. I couldn't believe what just happened. He's missing? For 3 days? And no one even called the police or something?

I felt like throwing up. I couldn't breathe. What do I do? Fuck! Right, the police!

I couldn't even see straight when I dialed 911. Tears formed in my eyes and I had to sit down in order to not faint.

As I explained them the whole situation they came to talk to me and Yuus parents. I was so mad at them, I couldn't even describe how much I hated them.

But I went to them anyway. It was for Yuu.

The police sat down with us and I explained once again how he hasn't been in school for 3 days and not calling me back or anything.

Yet again they started to complain about how he was probably just hiding so he could fuck someone. Then I couldn't hold it in anymore and I yelled at them. I insulted them in every way possible. And I yelled at them how it was their own fault.

The police was still there and tried to seperate me from them. I cooperated. I didn't want to but I knew yelling wouldn't help Yuu right now.

After talking to them they promised they'd find him.

I hoped...

Yuu, come back home! I'd do anything for you!

I went home and talked to saeko about it. I felt so sick. I couldn't loose him!

I only lied down on the couch and cuddled with her. After a few hours I saw his picture in TV. I immediately started tearing up.

I then ran to the toilet and threw up. I felt so sick. I couldn't breathe.

The next day I didn't go to school. I just couldn't. I was so worried. I only lied in bed and had my TV on to see if there was anything new.

But the news didn't came. All day. It felt like forever. Shouldn't they find him soon?? It's been forever since he's been missing! It's been 4 days. I knew they only started looking for him yesterday but I just couldn't help but blame everyone. I just needed him to come back!

It was 4am when I woke up from saeko shaking me. I was still half asleep so I didn't understand what she was saying.

S: "they found him..." 

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