Chapter 23

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S: "they found him..."

It took me a while to understand what she was saying. They found him. THEY FOUND HIM?

T: "Where is he then?"

S: "No... You need to listen to me..."

She took some deep breaths to tell me whatever she was about to say.

No... Please. It's not what I was thinking, right? He couldn't be dead! Not possible!

S: "So they found him kind of far away on a playground. When they put his picture in the media some kids said they saw him and talked to him yesterday. So the police searched him there and after some time they found him lying there."

That sounded too good... Why was she so worried to tell me? Where was the but?!

S: "but well... He was unconscious and they are honestly not sure if he'll make it."


I couldn't move. Not even blink. I just sat there and stared at her. I couldn't proccess what she just said. What just happened?

It took me some seconds to react. Then I hurried to stand up. She held me.

S: "Where are you going?"

T: "I need to go to him!"

S: "you can't. It's in the middle of the night and they won't let you see him anyway."

She was right. She always was. But what was I supposed to do? Sit here and wait? I couldn't. I just couldn't do that. I couldn't lose my best friend.

But I knew I had no choice. I couldn't go there. But I also couldn't go back to sleep. So I decided to do something for him. What would he want?

Come on, think Ryu! I know that's not your strength but we gotta do it for Yuu.

Ah I know! He wouldn't admit it, but I knew he was a fan of kitschy things. Well or at least sometimes.

So I sat down at my desk and got started. I wrote. I wrote a letter to him. I wrote about all the things I admired of him. How much he meant to me. How much I needed him.

At first Saeko stayed in my room to not leave me alone, but after some time she asked me if she could leave me here alone or if I wanted her to stay. I told her she could go back to sleep and I'd be okay.

After I was done with the letter I put it inside an envelope and left it on my desk. I then got into bed. I cried. I mean of course I did, he was my best bro, I couldn't lose him. I just couldn't.

I needed him so much. I needed him to wake up. He was so strong so he couldn't just die, right? He'd make it! He had to!

I couldn't sleep all night. I couldn't stop thinking about what have happened and what might happen next. I was so scared and tried to prepare myself for the worst.

The next day Saeko came into my room with some coffee and asked if I wanted to eat something. Honestly I didn't, I felt sick. But I was glad she was there. And I was glad to have her as my sister, because she actually cares for me.

I told her I didn't want something but would be there in 5 minutes. So she left the room to eat and I got dressed and then walked to her too.

After breakfast she told me that she talked to Yuu's parents. They went to the hospital this morning. Not even last night. It didn't surprise me but it made me sick.

They forbid me to go see him. That's not what he'd want. But that doesn't matter to them. They do whatever they want to do. I just hated them so much. How could people like them become parents and make their child suffer.

I couldn't do anything about it. They had the power over him right now. And I couldn't change that. But it made me shake. What if he'd actually die? I wouldn't even be able to see him.

I thought about letting them give him the letter I wrote last night, but I knew they'd probably demolishe it.

I somehow made it through the day. And the next day. Even the day after.

Days passed without me knowing what was going on. Was he getting worse or better?

Weeks passed and I still knew nothing. By now I went to school again. But even the teachers had no clue what was going on.

Until suddenly I got a call. I was in practice when I got it. I knew the number. Oh no... This was not happening...

I couldn't see the screen anymore, as I picked up the phone. When I heard my name being said I couldn't breathe.

?: "Tanaka? This is Yuu's mother..."

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