Chapter: I Just Let Her Walk Out of My Life?

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As soon as I came home I threw my book bag, emptied it, filled it  with clothes, and texted my friend Mason.

‘To: Mason :s

Hey can I stay at your place for a few days? It’s important...’

He instantly agreed and asked why.

‘To: Mason :s

I’m pregnant…..’

And after sending it I rushed to go to his house. When I arrived I knocked and he opened the door. He looked at me wide eyed and I let it out.

I began to cry. This was the end of my teenage life. I was pregnant and needed to cry. I needed to to talk to my closest friend. I’ve known Mason since I first came to North Carolina. I found him cute and adorable, but not in that way. He’s bi and we act like were a couple. I always talk to him with my problems and I knew he had to know first.

He hugged me and invited me in. “When did you find out?”

“This morning…”

“Who's the Dad? It better not be that Rhett guy…”

“No….it’s Charles….”


“2 weeks ago…”

We continued to talk and later on fell asleep.

*Time Skip*

I woke up and got ready for school. Mason dropped me off and when I walked it everyone stared at me. I felt like the spotlight was on me. I made my way down the hall and heard snickering and laughing going around me. “Wow...looks like the slut came back to school.”, Ashley said and her ‘possy’ laughed with her. “What are you talking about?”, I asked.

“Ooh please everyone knows” She leaned closer and continued. “You slept with Rhett and now his friend Link. Wow what next MASON?!” She laughed. I felt this pang in my heart. The word she used hit me hard.


God did I hate that word.

I ignored her and the rest of the people saying that to me.

*Time Skip*

It was lunch time and I was sitting with Link, Mason, Nikki, and Will. Everyone was staring at us and snickering. I ignored it like usual, but it was getting annoying. Link got up to use the bathroom and so did Nikki. As soon as they left a group of girls said how me and Mason were dating and I was cheating on Link. Like I would ever do that. They continued calling me a slut, cunt, hoe, whore, etc. I felt a tear fall down from the harsh words. As soon as they left I felt Mason hug me. It was a tight hug and when I pulled away and kissed his cheek. ‘He’s so sweet’ I thought but someone interrupted my thought. I saw Link standing there looking pissed. “I knew it..”, He said. I looked at him and Mason confused. He knew what? Doesn’t he know that Mason is Bi. Mason noticed my facial reaction and left. “What?” I asked.

“Don’t play dumb! You are cheating on me with Mason! I can’t believe you!”, He said with envy.

“Link, Mason is b-” I said before Link interrupted me.

“I can’t believe I thought you would change. Maybe what they said was right. Maybe you were a slut!” I felt tears coming out. I got up and picked up my tray. Link noticed what I did and realised he said ‘the word’

“Rose, I d-” I stopped him by closing my eyes painfully. It hurt to look at him. I grabbed the tray and made my way to the trash. I threw my food out and rushed out of the lunch room.

I hated the word because that was the last thing my dad called my Mom before she passed. Yup my mom died, it was from Breast Cancer. I killed me and my dad’s action made it worse. His exact words were: “I’m glad your dying you slut” and she died later that day. I didn’t realise that after 2 months I would be attending my father’s funeral too. And to make it better, guess who was suppose  to help me through this tough time. Rhett.

I ran to my class room and explained everything to Mason.

*Time Skip*

Link’s POV

I continued to go through my classes normally but I noticed that Rose was gone.

Whatever she isn’t my Girlfriend anymore

After Class I saw Mason packing  and decided to talk to him.

“Hey, Girlfriend Stealer.” I said to him. He immediately rolled his eyes and continued to pack.

“Do you wanna hang out today?”, I asked.

“I can’t I’m going to the movies with someone.” I felt hurt because it was Rose,

“ohh with Rose?” He laughed.

“No. With my boyfriend.” He said casually.



“Yea with Andy, my boyfriend, and I haven't seen her since class.”

“Do you know what up with her?”, I asked.

“I shouldn’t be the one to tell you but she has a ‘bun in the oven’.” He said.

‘Bun in the oven’?! WTF


“You know….Prego”

Oh my God she was pregnant!? What did I do? I just let her walk out of my life?!

        “I gotta go!” I yelled and ran to Rose’s house.

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