Chapter: UltraSound

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Wow, I didn’t know I would be any more wrong. Right now i’m 6, almost 7, months pregnant and I made the worst choice ever. I regret moving in Link because it made me realise how different he is when he’s home. When I was at my house, I would wake up and go to bed with Link snuggled up with me. Now, my cuddle buddy is the pillow Link use to sleep on. Yup, use to, now I wake up alone and go to sleep with an empty spot next to me.

When I moved in, we would have little arguments about how he had everything and how I set up everything. Well, we fight daily and it gets worse everyday. I can’t stand him sometimes and he can’t stand me. But, we stayed together because deep inside we love each other. I hope. I understand that Link’s been stressed out from work, he works all day and all night to afford this house and the appointment for the ultrasound. Recently, he has been coming home late or not at all, but I understand. Heck today i’m quitting my job as a waitress. Anyway back to the story.

I woke up to the sound of the alarm, Link’s alarm. I looked over to see Link’s sput empty. Shocker *Sarcasim* I look at the clock and it says “12:00” I sigh and get up. I walk over to our closet. I picked out a red, short sleeve shirt, dark, blue jeans, and a black sweater that was open, no buttons. That was my main outfit or what I like to call the ‘Pregnant Lady’ I went to the bathroom and turned the shower on. I take a quick shower and change into the ‘Pregnant Lady’ outfit. I quickly do my hair and put my make up on. When I was satisfied, I checked the time, “1:00” and decided to call Link. After 3 rings, he answers.

R: Hey Babe

L: Hey, I can only talk for a minute because of work.

R: ok, but don’t forget at 2:00 we have the ultrasound. Link, please be there. It’s really important and recently you have been ditching alot of our dates and special events.

L: I will. I will see you at 2:30.

R: It’s at 2.

L: Ok see you there R: Ok see you and I can’t wait for tomorrow.

L: Same and bye

R: Bye, Love You!

L: Bye.

He hung up and I sighed. I wasn’t surprised to he didn’t reply. I blow it over and grab my purse. I ran to the car and drove to my job.

I made it to my job and walked up to Rhett, my manager. Yup, you heard me right, my ex is my manager. But, it’s not awkward at all! We are like best friends!

“Hey, Rhett.”

“Hey! How’s it going?”

“I’m doing good. I’m just getting my stuff ready to leave.”

“Ok. Your last check is on my table and where are you going after this?”

“Me & Link are going to the ultrasound. I’m so excited!”

“Huh, Link didn’t tell me it was today.”

“Oh, when’s the last time you saw him?”

“Last night at Joey’s.” Oh wow, Joey’s was the local bar and Link told me that he had to work last night. You know what, let’s just relax because today and tomorrow is a special day for us.

“Well, I gotta go. I will tell you the gender when I find out.” And with that, I picked up the pay check and went to the appointment.

I checked the time for the twentieth time since I came here. I came here at 1:30. Now it’s 2:00 and i’m still waiting for Link. The nurse opened the window to the waiting room and said, “Rosie Gonzalez and Charles Neal?” I got up and told her i’m Rosie. “Is Mr. Neal here yet?”


“Is he the father?”


“Do you want to wait?”

“Yes, thank you.” I turned around and went to my seat.

2:15…..”Ms. Gonzalez? We have to go now or else your ultrasound would be canceled.” I only nodded and went to the door. The nurse showed me to the room and told me to wait. She came back minutes later and said the nurse was coming. Within ten minutes the doctor came in. “Hello…..Ms. Gonzalez? Your here for the ultrasound right?”


“Well can you lay down and lift your shirt up to the middle of your chest. I will put the cold gel on your stomach.” I did what I was told and laid down. When he was putting the gel he asked me a question. “Who is the father of the baby?”

“My boyfriend, Charles Neal”

“Oh is Mr. Neal here?”

“No but he was suppose to be here.” I said sadly.

“Hey, don’t worry most of the women don’t even stay with the father.” I nodded and understood. When he put the gel, he put the Transducer on my stomach, and I looked at the Sonogram. I stared at the Sonogram in awe. There was a little bean shaped object on it.

That’s not a bean.

It’s my baby. I mean our baby.

“Oh my God! That’s my Baby!” The doctor smiled.

“Would you like to know the gender?”

“Y-Yes please.” He moved the Transducer around my tummy and stared at the Sonogram.

“Congratulations Ms. Gonzalez, it’s a ………………..”









Ha i’m not gonna do that to you guys.


“......a boy!” I smiled and looked at the screen.

My Baby Boy!

“Would you like a picture of the Sonogram? And if you do how much copies?”

“I would love a picture of him and four copies.” He returned with the copies and I went home.

I walked in and yelled, “CHARLES!!!!” no response. I continued five times and texted him.


L: Hi Sweety


L: I couldn’t leave at for lunch. I had to save money

R: But your always at work and we never see each other.

L: Ik i’m so sorry.

R: It’s ok btw I came back from the ultrasound.

L: omg!!! is it a boy? or a girl?

R: I will tomorrow <3

L: I gotta go goodnight.

Link POV

I turn off my phone and sighed. I walk up to the office and collect my money. I grab my coat and ran to the car. I took out my wallet and counted my money. It was a total of $4,000. Perfect amount of money. I drove to Jared and walked into the store. “Hello, my name is stacy and welcome to Jared. What can I help you with?”

“Hello, I’m looking for Engagement Rings.”, I replied.


CLIFFHANGER!!!!! Yup the book is ending and the next chapter is gonna be the last one until the ending! I’m so excited for the ending and I hope you guys are too!

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