Chapter: Finally Adopted

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Rosalina POV


It's been 3 months since I have been put up for adoption.


I went home and I noticed a different car in the driveway.


I walked in a heard a lady talking to my mum.


"Hey Rosie, this is Gwen and Duncan. Umm they want to adopt you...."


Finally I'm ready to leave this place.


My worst mistake was coming back.


"Hello I'm Rosalina, but you can call me Rosie or Rose." I said sweetly.


"Well we want to know what you like.", Duncan said.

Hmmmm what do I like? i don't know


"Umm I like skateboards, beanies, music, art, sports, and overall I'm a girl who seeks adventure." I said with a lot of courage.


"Wow what do you do for fun?", Gwen asked.


"I hangout with friends or go climb things." I said calmly.


"Well, she's perfect for our family.", Duncan said.


"Ok sweetie, you better go pack.", my mom said.


"When am I leaving?"


"Friday", Gwen said.


Yes! I don't have to go to school and see those jerks! But I better say goodbye.


Later that night

I kept looking at my ceiling.

Something was on my mind but I don't know what.

Maybe I need to relax and get some air.


I went out my window to my roof. It was 12 am so it's really dark. I sat down and looked to my right. I could see Link from his window since I was diagonal to him(he's diagonal from the back yard). When I looked at his window I saw him pacing back and forth.

I notice his worried look on his face and I know when he's worried he would adjust  his glasses.

He would adjust his glasses then show off his pearl white teeth. It was so cute.

Hey he was so cute.

Wait no! He's a jerk. But a cute jerk.

For the rest of the night I would only think about Link. I liked him and I need to tell him before I leave.

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