Chapter 6- I didn't know how to react...

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Charles/Link POV

I like Cathy A LOT. But she likes Max...him only. But i’m not gonna just sit here letting him make a move on My girl!!! I had bought flowers and ran to “the pit” to win her over. But when I got there it was too late. She was standing there with her beautiful black dress. I just stared into her blue eyes and I began to cry. Even though we just met I felt something special. She was kissing Max and that broke my heart. I threw the flowers down and ran towards my house.

When I entered my house I slammed the door. It was so loud and I heard my Mom coming to the front door. She yelled ,”What the hell was that Charles?!” before she entered the room. Her face went from furious to worried. She stared into my watery eyes and said, “Baby, what happened? Did you ask that gorgeous girl out?” I just yelled, “No, now can I go to my room and cry myself to sleep!!!” She looked at me shocked and I stormed to my room. I slammed the door and began to cry. I liked her and I didn’t know how to react to this…...

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