Chapter 7- Ohio

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Things thst happened after the situation...

1. She told him what really happened, but he doesn't believe her.

2. He noticed what Cathy did to Max and asked her out.

3. Max gets pay back by making it look like Cathy cheated on him.

4. Plan works and Link decides to date Leslie before bresking up with Cathy.

5. She finds them kissing and tells him how she feels about him.

6. She tells Rhett everything including the moving away. And Rhett

helps Link realize that everything Cathy said was true.

Now back to the story!

My mom was already packing up my stuff and I was in the car waiting to leave. I decided to turn on some music. Michael Jackson "The Way you Make Me Feel" started to play. Omg I love this song. I just started laughing because I thought of what Tony did when the song played. He would move his eyebrows to the beat in the intro (before he starts to singing). After 2 minutes of singing and dancing around the car the music stopped. My Mom unplugged the headphones. "Hey", I said frustrated.

"HEY?! You're leaving right now and you haven't said goodbye to me or your friends!"

"Why would I want to say goodbye to them. They are just gonna break my heart...." I said sadly.

She hugged me and said," awwww baby....I didn't know."

"It's ok....I will miss you." I hugged her back and gave her a kiss.

"Well I guess you're ready to leave. God i'm gonna miss you."

"I will too." She ended the hug to give me my suitcase. I went to the car so I could go to the airport. Before we could get out of the driveway, we stopped. I thought 'ugh what did I forget'

"Honey you forgot you skateboard.!"

We pulled back up and I said to my dad," Hold on dad." I mouthed out 'thank you' and 'I love you' before I took the board. When I got back in the car we began to back out. Then bam we stopped/jerked again. "WHY DID WE STOP?!"

"Someone is in the middle of the driveway." I thought about what I was gonna say maybe "Rhett I need to leave" I got out and was surprised. Rhett wasn't in the driveway; it was Charles!

"ummm dad....." I keeped gesturing with my eyes toward Charles" can I...." He nodded. I pulled Charles away from my family and yelled quietly, "Why are you here?"

He grabbed my hand and said, "how'd see you....." omg omg....wait no he cheated on me. He broke my heart. I pulled my hand away quickly. He signed and said," Look Cathy.." my mom looked at me confused" I'm so so sooo sorry for cheating on you. I never wanted to hurt you."

I looked around and said, "Charles, I have to leave."

"Please don't leave...."

I grabbed his hand and said," Link.....bye."

I turned away and he said, "I love you..." I turned around to make sure I heard him right.


He said louder," I love you......I love you so much. You're my world!" My mom looked at us like he just proposed and my dad shook his head. Link didn't have enough time to respond before I kissed him. He pulled me closer and I didn't want him to stop. We sadly ended the kiss. He looked at me surprised. He just said, "Goodbye...." I kissed his cheek and waved goodbye. My dad looked at him with disgust after it ended. I got into my car and we were heading back to Ohio


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