Chapter ?- Birthday and I love you

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Rhett POV

Cathy was gone for awhile. But she would visit. The first year she would visit every month.

She would hang out with me and Link. Until one month....she didn't come. I was so sad. Cathy promised she would visit , and she never breaks a promise.

On the last day she was here I saw here run out of Link's house with tears. Her eyes were red and her hair was a mess.

She was a total wreck.

"What's wrong?" I asked, worriedly.

"I don't know! Why don't you ask you CHEATING best friend!!!!" She completely broke down. She asked:

"Did you know about him and Leslie?"

"no...but i'm sorry...i promise Link will-"

"Rhett, Link won't..." she sighs while trying to relax.

"God, why is it always me? I'm always the one who get cheated on and i'm always the one who can't find a guy who won't break my heart.."

Thats all she said before running away to leave.
--------end of flashback------------------
It's been a year since the last time we saw her. Link ended up dumping Leslie a month later. Me and Link talk everyday, but its not the same without Cathy.

October 11

If you didn't know what today is i'm really disappointed....IT"S MY BIRTHDAY!!!! I'm finally 15 which means i can stay out longer than usual.

I ran out of my room to the bathroom.

I brush my teeth and get ready.

I don't do my hair because who am i trying to impress (me everyday at school).

Today was the day all about me and I just wanted to relax.

I grabbed my ipod, my guitar, and ran downstairs.

I yelled, "Hey mum, I'm going to the park ok?"

She said ok and I ran to the garage to grab my bike.

I didn't go to the park at first. I went to Cathy's old house.

I just looked at her house....just waiting for her to come back.

But thats not gonna happen.

About 10 minutes later, I got to the park.

I sat down on a bench, pulled my guitar out, and played the song "Lovebug" by the Jonas Brothers. I was singing along and people began to record me. I didn't care because I was putting all of my emotion about Cathy and how I feel about falling in love with her.

After it ended the people applauded.

People put money in my guitar case and I was packing up until everything went dark.

I know that I didn't black out. I felt someones hand covering my eyes. My first thought was that it was Link pulling a prank on me.

I decided to pulled the hands so the person would fall on my lap.

My eyes were still closed while the person was on my lap. That was until I heard a magical voice.

"So who's the girl you sang about"

I opened my eyes to see Cathy!


"Who?......oh yea"

Why did she say who when I said her name. But whatever she is back!

I picked her up and said, "Omg I missed you so much!!"

"Same, but you never answered my question."

"Umm it's about my crush"

"Who is it?"

Gosh I don't want to tell her.

"No one ok. But how's you and Link? Did you guys make up?"

She sighed and said, "Yea, but.....i don't know..."

"Know about what?"

"If he really loves me! If he really and truly loves me for who I really am!"

I gave her a hug and said

"Of course he does. Who wouldn't love you. I know I love you-"

Oh my god did I just say that out loud. I put my head down so she couldn't see me blush. She lifted my head up with her hand. I look up to see her blushing too. Then the most amazing thing happened.

She kissed me on the lips. Our lips synchronized. She tilted her head to deepen the kiss. For some reason I thought 'Cathy would never do this'

After our 5 minute make out she ended it and said, "Happy Birthday, Rhett"


1 Week Later


Lately I have had a feeling that Link isn't the same. Like he cheated on me and I don't even know why I took him back. It's not like he actually likes me.

I need to see if he really does

I need to tell that I'm not Cathy.


I had to see Link again since I didn't see him when I came back.

I knocked on the door and saw his mom.

"Omg Cathy nice to see you! God, has it been so long.", she said.

"It been awhile....but do you know where Links at?"

"Umm upstairs, sweety"

"By the way don't tell I'm here I wanna surprise him."

Link POV

I really miss Cathy

I know I screwed up big time but I will fix this.

She hasn't came back since the incident. She probably hates me.

No she won't she loves me and I like her.

Wait did I say like?!

Omg I did. I meant Iove Cathy Lamont!!!!

"I love Cathy Lamont!"

I said that until I heard a door slam.

I acted normal until I saw the girl who I confessed my love to.

I couldn't even say anything to her. I ran up and gave her a hug, twirling her around.

She rocks my world. And I love her.

"Omg Cathy I missed you! I know you hate me right now bu-" I said until I was interrupted by her lips on mine.

"I love you link" she said after it ended.

"I love you too Cathy." I kissed her and of course she kissed me back too. That was until she backed away slowly. She had a sad look on her face.

So the pic on the top is my idea of what Cathy Would look like. It's not for sure but whatever. Btw I'm not gonna be posting much bc I'm writing my new fan fiction....also plz comment story titles bc I have no idea what to name it.

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