Chapter: Will You...

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Rose POV

It’s been 3 months since the night that me and Link watching Fast Five and things have changed. Link literally lives at my house, and only leaves when he has to go to school. Gwen really doesn’t care that Link ‘lives’ here and him and Duncan are like best friends. At first Duncan was mad, but got over it.

It’s been the same schedule every single:

Wake Up with Link’s arm around my waist and our legs tangled up.

Look at his sleeping face (not in a creepy way). He looks so cute when he’s asleep.

Wake him up.

Help him with getting ready.

Drive him to school.

Go to work at the coffee shop down the street. (yup I got a job; i need money and needed to waste time while he’s at school).

Get out of work and pick Link up.

Help him with homework.

Eat Dinner

Watch our daily movie.

Snuggle up and cuddle.

Sleep with my boyfriend.

But this time I woke up alone. I would’ve went back to bed because I slept in and Link went to school, but today was saturday and it’s 12…..weird. He must’ve went home.

I got up and went downstairs. I walked to the dinner table and noticed a single rose on the table and waffles with a strawberry cut into 4 pieces. I stared at awe at the wonderful breakfast that was set up. I was too busy wondering who did this and didn’t notice Duncan came in. “You know who did that?”, he asked while sipping his freshly made coffee. I shook my head. “Well, Link did. He came over and wanted me to give this to you.” He handed me a note and it said,

‘Dear Rose,

You’re gonna hate me after what i’m gonna make you do….So I know how you love scavenger hunts. So i’m sending you one. Here’s your first hint.

We met here and it’s where I saw the most beautiful girl in my life. And you kinda ‘fell’ in love with me. Literally.’

A/N she fell on him when the first met.

I nodded to Duncan and ran up stairs. I got dressed in m casual attire and ran back down. I grabbed my waffle and quickly ate it. I told Duncan I was gonna be gone for a while and rushed to my elementary school.

I ran down to my old looker, i was so surprised that the school wasn’t locked. I rushed to my old locker, which I still remembered the number, opened it and another note fell. I picked it up and read it:

‘11-17-35 is your combo. I remember bc that was the date we danced under the stars. Best day of my life.

Anyway, meet me at the place where I made the worst mistake ever….there’s a lot, but one ruined your night while you wore that gorgeous baby blue dress.

I will replace that bad memory with a good one :)’

I quickly ran to rhett’s house and knocked on the door. The door opened, rather quickly, and I saw Rhett’s mom there. “Hey Rose, I haven’t seen you here in months. What are you doing here?”

“Did Rhett tell you why I wasn’t here?”

“Yea, because you’ve been doing a lot of school work.” I shook my head.

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