Chapter 5- The PIt

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Cathy/ Rosalina POV

Why is Charles treating me like a baby?! Gosh I’m old enough to take care of myself!!!

Friday: I wore my cute black dress, which was loose not too tight, and black sandals. A really cute outfit to impress Max. “Hey Max”

He said with a huge smile, “wow you look amazing!” I replied ‘thanks….” We went to the party and it was fun. I saw a lot of my friends like Mandy, Charles, DJ, and Owen. After 3 hours of dancing and singing Max grabbed my hand and took me to “the pit” I tried to say, “What are we doing here…” but he stopped me by smashing his lips into mine. Half of me wanted to stop, but the other half said to stay and have your moment. I decided to kiss him back because why not? We made out for five minutes and his hands were on my waist, which was pretty weird. And my hands were around his neck. While we were kissing I noticed someone. I saw Charles with a bouquet of flowers. The flowers had a note on it, good thing for my good eyes. It said, “Rosalina you’re a pretty, smart, talented, and amazing person. Will you go out with me?” I saw his blue eyes get watery. /and his cheeks got red. At that moment I realized what I just did. I also realized that Max was awesome but Charles was perfect for me. I love the way he blushes around me, gets over protected, cares about everyone else, and overall sweet. I felt something special for him. We were still kissing when he came and he just ran away. I tried to udder, “Charles wait..” but Max wouldn’t stop. I tried to pull away but his grip around my waist got tighter. His strong grip started to hurt me and He pushed me against a tree. He was trying to get his tongue in and I made sure he didn’t.. He wouldn’t stop so I did what any girl should’ve done.

I hit his eye and ran. I was crying because Max was taking it too far, I attempted to get Charles but I was stopped by Rhett. I wasn’t actually stopped, I fell on him. “oh sorry” ,I said.

“it’s ok…”. He noticed that I was crying and asked, “Hey what’s wrong?”


He looked at me and said, “come on… you can tell me…"

I nodded and said, “Max kissed me and was taking it too far...tbh…. and now my friend Charles..”

He interrupted,”Oh are you Cathy? Charles had told me a lot about you and I’m pretty sure he likes you.” I said while crying,

“well not anymore…” Rhett pulled me in for a hug. It felt so nice, warm , and safe in his arms.

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