Cool Kids

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Violet's Pov:

I watched with interest as Louis acted out something funny that had happened in music class yesterday after lunch. He was about one step away from practically standing on top of our lunch table as he stood on his chair with one foot against the edge of the table. That was until one of the lunch monitors yelled at him to get down.

The whole table laughed, including me, but Louis only shrugged it off and smiled at the attention. Louis was born to be the center of attention. Born to be in the spotlight. He went right along in finishing the story and we all laughed.

Then once everyone calmed down Marlon spoke up saying how he was excited for baseball tryouts this spring. He was our school's best player.

This peaked Clem's interest, being a baseball fan herself and also trying out in the spring. "I bet I could take you on."

Marlon chuckled and rested his arms on the table. "Huh, a challenger. You think you can out hit me?"

Clem leaned back in her chair, rocking it. "Once it gets warmer outside I'll take you up on it."

Marlon smirked. "Alright, you got yourself a deal."

Of course, Louis butted in. "I've got ten bucks on Clem!"

"What?! Dude, you've got to be kidding me?!" Marlon said. "You're not going to support your best friend?"

"Have you seen that girl swing a bat?!" Louis asked. "Dude, you have no chance!"

Clem smirked. "What's the matter? Afraid you're gonna get beat by a girl?"

"You're gonna regret those words, Clem," Marlon warned.

"Bring it, Marlon!"

"No matter who wins, I'll be cheering for both of you at tryouts," Sophie said. "I already have poster ideas set out in my sketchbook."

My eyes settled on Sophie's book. I could draw, but Sophie had me beat by a mile. She was head of the art club and was responsible for painting our school mascot out in the hall by the office.

That was when a group of kids walked past our table and waved at my girlfriend. "Hey, Clem!" A girl shouted.

Clem smiled as they walked over. "Hey, Jenny."

"That was awesome how you got our team out of taking that quiz!"

"It was nothing." Clem waved them off.

"Not nothing." A tall boy said next to her. "You totally rocked that Jeopardy game, Everett." Then he threw a football in the air and caught it. That's when I recognized him. He was our star quarterback, Dustin. Jenny was his girlfriend, our star cheerleader. I know that sounds cliche, but that's just how it had worked out.

I stood shocked. Clem knew our quarterback?! And better yet, he knew her?!

"Hey?! We still on for Sunday?" Dustin asked.

"You got it!" Clementine said back. "I'll meet the team at one."

My mouth almost hung open. She was meeting him too?

That's when Marlon walked over and bro hugged Dustin. And they got to talking. Louis, being his casual self, sauntered up there and wedged his way into the conversation. Even Sophie was brought into the conversation. She was making a new mural in the gym later in the year.

My mind was racing with thoughts. When did Clem meet these people? Why was she meeting them? Was she gonna leave me? Why are my thoughts so loud? I need a snickers. Why are they here? Are they gonna leave? Why does he call her Everett?

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