Christmas Jitters

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Christmas was only one day away. One day! And I still didn't have a Christmas gift for Clem. I thought about writing her something like I usually do, but I wanted to do something different this time. I always wrote stuff, I wanted to get her a real gift as she did for me.

Clem had gotten me Clover and the heart-shaped necklace that was currently around my neck. She had even put a picture of Jackson in my locket. I had to get her something just as special as those items were to me.

Which is why I was currently in the car with Sophie and Brody. We were on our way to the mall, a place I usually dreaded. But today I was anxious to find something for Christmas for Clem. So I had texted Sophie, and she had offered to drive me and Brody to the mall.

"Oh my god, Vi! This is so exciting." Brody said from the front seat. "We haven't been out just us girls in ages. Too bad Clem couldn't come with us. Whatcha plan on getting her..."

Brody just unraveled question after question. But I wasn't paying attention. I had no idea what I would get Clem. I popped open my locket and stared at the picture of Jackson. If he were here, he would have an idea about what I should get Clem.

"Violet?! Hey Violet?!"

I looked up startled. Had Brody been talking to me? I looked at her now and mouthed the words "What?"

She and Sophie both laughed at me. "I said, we're here."

Oh. I blushed a little. I hadn't even noticed that the car had stopped. Too lost in thought about what I'd get Clementine.

I stepped out of the car and got a face full of cold air that made me shiver. Some snow blew across the parking lot in white wisps. It was definitely winter now.

Sophie, Brody, and I all walked up to the large building and walked through the automated doors. Inside all the different shops were decorated in their Christmas best. Ornaments and garland hung from doorways and ceilings. Clothing stores had red and green Christmas wear displayed on their manikins.

I felt slightly overwhelmed with all the hustle and bustle of last-minute Christmas shopping but Sophie and Brody seemed right in their element. "Come on Vi," Sophie called to me and I reluctantly followed them into a clothing store.

While Sophie and Brody shopped for the boys of our friend group I was on my own shopping for my one true love. Clothes weren't really my idea of a good present. Sophie had bought Louis some nice new ties that weren't as eccentric as the ones he already had. Brody was buying Marlon a new leather jacket so he wouldn't only have his Ericson jacket to wear.

I thought about buying Clem a new shirt or jacket, but I liked Clem's jean jacket. I liked seeing it on her.  And dare I say it, I thought she looked hot in it. I didn't want to change that. And I felt like buying her a new shirt wasn't right. I wanted something that she could have with her all the time. Maybe something like the locket she had given me. Yeah.

But I couldn't get her a locket. Then it would look like I was just copping off of her. No. I had to get her something original. Something special. Something that stood out.

I left the girls to flaunter over some sweaters and walked over to a display table. Some sparkly necklaces caught my eye. One had a pink butterfly made out of sparkly gems. Another had a horse head and one had some feathers. One was a silver heart made out of shiny stones. It looked really cute, and I picked it up. The bottom of the box said, "Meant to be together."

That's when Brody walked over and peered over my shoulder. "Whatcha got there Vi? A necklace?"

I turned and showed it to her. "Oh, that's so pretty! Sophie come look!" Brody beckoned her over. "Look what Violet found."

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