Vacation Part 2

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A/N: Hey everyone! Long time no see. I do apologize for leaving this book for such a long time. I literally could not get past my writers block for this book. But recently I met a new friend and they have resparked my passion for FanFiction and have inspired me to continue writing this book. So without further ado, let's get into the story. :)

The plane jostled as it was put into gear and we started backing up. The flight attendants went down the aisle to make sure that all the overhead bins were closed. Then they started going over all of the safety instructions as the plane moved towards the runway. The pilot came over the speaker and told us to enjoy our flight as we hit the runway.

I pointed out the window for AJ to watch as the plane jostled again as we started to gain speed. The view of the different runways buzzed past. Then I could feel the plane's wheels lift off the ground and we were airborne.

"Are we in the air now?" AJ asked.

I nodded and pointed out the window. We were flying over the highway next to the airport. But soon the scenery changed to the suburbs and we could see all the houses. They started to become smaller and smaller the higher we got.

"So cool," AJ said as he stared with his face practically pressed against the glass window.

I enjoyed staring out of the window with AJ and getting to see the land shape and move as we flew over it. But it was a second later when we had reached the clouds and everything outside turned white. We watched as we came out a moment later and we were above the clouds. The sun showed brightly against the blue sky and we could see the forms of clouds clearly. AJ was mesmerized by the sight.

I looked behind us and saw that my mom had pulled out one of her books and had started reading while Lee currently had a newspaper with him and was doing a crossword puzzle.

I turned to Clem, who was seated next to me, who had also been pretty quiet since our departure. But when I looked to my left I saw that she had a pencil and a sketchbook and was currently drawing something. I don't know how I didn't notice this until now. But with AJ preoccupied for the moment, I turned my attention to my girlfriend. I touched her wrist to grab her attention. Her pencil stopped moving and she looked up at me with a smile. "What's up, Vi?"

I signed to her, "What are you drawing?"

"Just a little project that I've been working on."

She handed me the sketchbook and I looked at the current picture she was working on which looked like...Me?

It looked strikingly like me with my arms folded. A paper airplane in front of me on a table.

So I signed to her, "You drew this?"

And she nodded to me. "It's just a personal project that I've been working on."

I stood amazed. I didn't know that Clem could be so creative. I had no idea that she was this good at art. I always saw her as the sporty athletic type, but this drawing was really good. I've just never seen her draw before. The drawing usually consisted of me or Sophie doing it. I guess Clementine was really a jack of all trades. She was smart and athletic and creative. Just really a well-rounded person. It was honestly quite amazing that I had landed such an incredible and skilled girlfriend.

I stared as Clem continued drawing and contemplated on pulling out my own notebook. I felt like I was itching to write something down. So I opened up my carry-on and pulled out my special notebook. I started to jot down some ideas for some new short stories that I thought would be cool to write.

Meanwhile, my mind started to drift to thoughts about Florida and what that would be like. I was so happy that I was getting to take this trip with my girlfriend and her family. In all honesty, I feel like it would have been awkward with just me and my mom. Our relationship was getting better but it was far from perfect. I know that Stephanie was trying her best and I gave her credit for that but it was hard to make up for years of neglect.

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