Halloween Scares

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A/N: Hey guys, just wanted to say happy Halloween! And I hope you enjoy the chapter. Stay safe.

Violet's Pov:

I still didn't know why we had to do this. It was the middle of December for crying out loud. But I still found myself and Clem walking up the steps to Louis's house.

Back when I had been put in the hospital I had missed Halloween. My friends had still come to visit and had brought me some candy, but it still hadn't been the same as dressing up and hanging out with my friends. I still had pictures on my phone from previous years when we'd all dress up and Louis would throw these ridiculous Halloween parties. Don't get me wrong, they were loads of fun. But Louis would always fail at trying to scare everyone. If Louis was one thing, it wasn't scary.

But I guess I should be thankful for that, considering I hated horror. I hated to admit it, but I was a big scaredy-cat when it came to horror. I had been scarred in third grade by watching a Goosebumps movie in class. I'd been afraid to walk around my own house after watching it. So now I didn't enjoy watching horror or anything scary. Which is weird considering that I used to live with the devil.

But now I was faced with a problem. Louis had invited me and Clem over to watch scary movies since I had missed out on Halloween. But I guess I shouldn't be too concerned considering Louis was terrible at being scary. What's the worst he could pull out?

My only fear was Clem finding out about my fear of scary movies. I didn't want her to think any less of me for it. I already seemed like a coward around Minnie except for the last time we met. I didn't want Clem thinking I was even more pathetic than I already was by not being able to handle a movie.

I know she'd still love me, but I was embarrassed. I was afraid of a movie, something that wasn't even real. I just hoped that whatever we watched wouldn't give me nightmares about dead guys trying to suck the blood out of people or anything. I can still hear the voice of the characters in the Goosebumps movie saying how hungry they were. And a chill ran up my spine. I felt like we were being watched now.

I latched on to Clementine's hand, which she didn't think anything if it. She just thought that I wanted to hold her hand. But truthfully I was terrified of what was to come.

AJ had wanted to come with us, but Clem had said that this party was only for big kids. I had felt bad for him because of how disappointed he had been, but I was honestly glad that he wasn't here. I think the movies would have been way too scary for the little guy. Especially if they scared me.

The front door opened but no one was there. Then all of a sudden BAM! Louis pops out from behind the door in a red and black cape and some fake, white plastic fangs. "Welcome to my haunted house party!" He said in a lame Transylvania voice.

I, however, wasn't amused and just rolled my eyes at his accent. "What? Too much?" He asked.

I responded by giving him a playful punch to the shoulder. "Ow! Okay! Okay! I'll quit it."

I smiled knowing I had succeeded in getting him to stop, but my eyes grew wide once I entered the house. Louis had decorated the entire inside to be Halloween themed. Paper skeletons hung from the walls. He had a cauldron filled with different types of candy. Louis even had a carved jack o lantern sitting on the table with a light in it. Orange lights outlined the windows and plastic spiders were spread out on the table.

"Surprised huh?" Louis smiled, proud of himself.

"This is amazing Louis," Clem said awestruck at the decorations set up.

"Figured I go all out since our sweet Vi here missed out on Halloween. And look Vi, I got your favorites." Louis pulled out a plain Hershey bar from the cauldron of candy along with some white chocolate Kit Kat's and a box of nerds. Well, at least he got one thing right. I was still worried about the movie though.

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