Let's Keep It Simple

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Warning: Suggestive Themes

Violet's Pov:

I was at Clem's house today. With nothing to do today, I figured I'd go visit my girlfriend. Not that I wasn't there literally every other day already.

It was close to seven o'clock at night and we happened to be by ourselves. Lee had a late-night meeting and AJ was spending the night at a friend's house. That left me and Clem with a house to ourselves.

"So what do you wanna do Vi?" Clementine asks me from the other side of the couch. The TV was on but no one was currently watching it. "I'm sure we could call up our friends and meet them someplace if you want. It's only seven. We could all go out on a night on the town." Clem offered.

I was intrigued by this offer, but a new thought crossed my mind. We were alone in the house, a rare opportunity. Yeah, we could go out, maybe head downtown with cover bands and large crowds. Or how about we get back to basics.

I shook my head at her offer as a smirk crossed my face. "Let's keep it simple, here at the house." I signed.

"Really?" Clem asked intrigued. "What'd you have in mind babe?"

I quickly whipped out my phone and scrolled to an app. Then I hit play and Rewrite The Stars started to play. I pocketed my phone and stood up. Then I held out my hand to Clementine.

She laughed at me. "You want to dance? Alright, Vi."

She took my hand and I lead her into the kitchen, away from the TV so we could hear the music. I put my hands on her shoulders and she put hers on my waist and we started to dance back and forth. My hands traveled down to her hands and I spun her around then she did the same with me. I let go and spun around on my own before coming back and placing my hands on her shoulders right when the song reached its climax. We danced around in a circle, our feet moving to the now fast beat music. Both of us at an arms distance as we spun around and went back and forth. Two steps forward, one step back, spin. Two steps forward, one step back.

I felt my heart beat fast in my chest as it picked up the rhythm of the song. My feet felt as light as air as I pulled her forward and then back and again before I brought Clem close and dipped her, which surprised her. Then I leaned in for a kiss right at the end of the song. I pulled back, but Clem surprised me when she went forward and continued the kiss and soon it turned into a passionate kiss.

I pushed Clem back until she hit the wall and that's when the real passion started. I pushed myself flush against her to where there was barely an inch between us. I pulled away for a second for air before our lips met again, my arms wrapping around her neck. I felt Clem's hands travel down my back until she slid her hands into my back pockets.

What freaked me out was the slight moan that left my mouth in the middle of the kiss. Clem pulled back an inch and smirked at me. "You like that, huh?"

I blushed hard, having never done this before with her. Clem didn't seem the least bit surprised though and she seemed to enjoy this new side of me.

"God, you're cute," Clem says as she lifts my chin with her hand.

I don't give myself time to blush harder as I go in for another kiss. With this one, I feel a whole new sensation as something unexpected happens and I let Clem slip her tongue into my mouth. I've never kissed her like this before but I find myself wanting more as I fight her for dominance. But find myself at a loss as I let out another soft moan.

Clem pulls back with another smirk. "Oh yeah. You like it."

My face is bright red but I try to ignore my embarrassment as I grab Clem's shirt collar and force my lips to hers, pushing her head against the wall. This time it's Clem I hear moan and something snaps inside me as I realize that I like hearing it and I want to make her make it more.

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