Sick Day

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Now I'd done it. I knew I shouldn't have gone out in the freezing cold rain. I sat on the edge of Clementine's bed and she stood in front of me with a thermometer in her hand.

I had a pout on my face as she pressed the button to turn it on and then pressed the end of it to my temple once it beeped. After a few moments, the thermometer beeped again once it registered my temperature and Clem pulled it away with a frown on her face. "That's what I thought. You've got a fever, Vi. One hundred and one point two."

She placed her hand against my forehead again to feel the heat radiate off of me. "You feeling okay, Vi?"

I felt alright for the most part. I was just really tired after a night with no sleep and climbing an abandoned apartment building in the rain. And after Clem made me eat some of Lee's famous chicken soup I really just wanted to curl up and take a nap.

So I nodded my head yes and then signed to her that I was just tired. I reached out towards her and made a grabby hands motion just like a little kid would if they wanted to be picked up.

Clem chuckled at me and smiled. "I guess I did promise that we could cuddle after you ate something. Alright, Vi."

Clem set the thermometer on her bedside table before walking over and climbing onto the bed with me. She moved to the left of me and laid down. I followed suit and laid down next to her after slipping under the covers.

I immediately scooted over and cuddled into Clem's embrace and she wrapped her arm around me. I finally felt content to fall asleep and relax in her embrace. But the enjoyable feeling of being cuddled prevented me from drifting off. I wanted to be able to enjoy this sensation rather than sleep through it.

That's when Clem spoke up. "I'm not happy that you were out in the cold rain last night, but I have to say... I'm really enjoying spending this time with you."

I smiled at her words. I was happy spending this time with her too.

"But... I don't want you going out like that again. Okay, Vi?"

I could tell by her tone that she was serious. So I nodded my head in agreement. In the moment it hadn't been that bad. But after getting soaked to the bone I hadn't enjoyed my trip outside to the abandoned apartment building. I wouldn't do it again. least not in the cold and rain.

What surprised me next was when Clem turned over on her side. "Alright, I want to cuddle with you properly. Turn over Vi."

I smiled and did as she said. And I couldn't help but giggle as she wrapped her arms around me. Clem snuggled into me and pulled me flush against her. I silently giggled as she buried her face into my neck. Her curls tickled against my face and neck and I couldn't stop the laughs that made my body shake.

"What're you laughin' about?" Clem asked me. She reached around me and it was too late to stop her as she started tickling me "You think that's funny?"

I squirmed in her arms as fits of silent laughter escaped me. I couldn't even tell her to stop and had to endure her tickle fight. Luckily her terror of tickles ended a few seconds later and I was able to catch my breath. A huge smile was plastered on my face as my breathing evened out.

I turned my head to see Clem grinning at me. Before she leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "I love you." She said to me.

I smiled not even mad at her. And I made a heart with my hands before signing and mouthing the words "I love you."

I see Clem blush slightly before she cuddles back into me and she kisses my neck. She pulls me flush against her again and tightly wraps her arms around me. I smile and relax into her embrace.

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