Vacation Part 1

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A/N: Hey, y'all. I'm happy to report that we have a new chapter out. I know that it's been long overdue. Had a bit of writer's block so I didn't have the motivation to write for this book. But I now have a new idea that I'm super excited about and I hope you guys are too. So enough talk. Let's get into the story. :)

Clem's Pov:

I woke to the sound of my alarm and sat up groggily turning it off. It was still dark outside this morning and I didn't want to leave the warmth of my bed but I knew that I had to get up and get ready for school.

I flipped the covers off of me and was immediately met with the rush of cold air against my skin. I shivered but got up regardless and made my way to my dresser. But once I got there and opened my drawer I was surprised by the lack of clothes that were in there. Puzzled, I turned on my light just to make sure I wasn't wrong, but I was right. Most of my clothes were gone.

I wasn't sure what was going on so I went straight to the source when I had a problem that I couldn't solve.

I opened my door and raced down the stairs to the living room where I thought I could hear Lee talking. "Clem should be up any minute." I heard him say. But the next part made me freeze in my tracks. "We'll see you at the airport in two hours."

What? Hold on. Airport? What did he mean "see you at the airport?" And who were we seeing there? And who was 'we'?

I walked into the living room just as Lee was putting his cell phone away. "Dad?" I stared around and noticed the suitcases in the middle of the room. "What's going on?"

Lee turned around at the sound of my voice and smiled. "I've got a little surprise for you and AJ this morning. We're not going to school this morning because...we're taking a vacation!"

I stood shocked until my eyes lit up in excitement. "Wait, really?! Where are we going?!"

"We're flying to Florida for a week at the beach!" Lee said excitedly.

"Oh my god! Are you serious?!"

Lee nodded. I've already packed the suitcases. Buuut...That's not the only surprise."

"There's more?!" I said excitedly.

Lee nodded as he walked towards the kitchen.

"What is it?" I asked wanting to know what was in store for us.

But Lee only smiled at me. "You'll see once we get to the airport." And he winked at me.

"Whaaaat? You can't tell me now?" I whined.

Lee only chuckled. "Well, the faster you get ready the faster we can get there and find out."

I looked down at my clothes and realized that I was still in pajama pants and a t-shirt. That's right, most of my clothes had been packed away for the trip. That's why they weren't there.

"Why don't we go wake up AJ?" Lee suggested. "Tell him the good news, then you two can get ready and double-check that I grabbed everything."

"Okay!" I nodded excitedly before sprinting out of the kitchen with a chuckling Lee following behind me.

Violet's Pov:

I woke to the feeling of someone shaking me. I stared up blearily and rubbed my eyes before slipping on my glasses. The room came into focus but it was dark. The only light was flooding in from the hallway. But I noticed my mom standing next to my bed. She had woken me up, which was weird. She never woke me up for school. I always relied on my alarm to wake me up. Had I missed it? Was I late for school?! But wait a minute, it was still dark. I looked at my clock and it read five-thirty a.m. I wasn't supposed to be up for another hour. I stared up at my mom as she walked towards the door and started wheeling something into the room. "Time to get up Violet. We need to hurry and pack before we drop Woody off at Lou's."

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