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A/N: Hey, y'all.

I know it's been a while since I last updated. It's been really hard to write lately. So I apologize for that. But I'm glad that I finally have a chapter out for you guys.

Violet's Pov:

I killed my first monster when I was seven years old. It melted like butter in my bathroom's sixty-watt bulb. I remember being afraid of the hidden dangers that lurked in the shadows that are the result of any child's imagination. Mistaking simple everyday household things for creatures that lived in darkness, just waiting until your alone to strike. And only the presence of a parent or the comfort of a light would make them go away.

I remember how I'd always look to Jackson to save me from hidden figures in the closet or monsters that lay under the bed. He'd come in the room and turn on the light defeating the vicious beasts, showing me that there was nothing to be afraid of. But he'd still stay with me whenever I'd ask, and I'd always find comfort in his presence as I'd fall back asleep.

That was a long time ago, nearly nine years have passed since then. And during that time I've learned a lot, and I've come to know what's real and what isn't. But I still find myself in the same predicament from years ago as I search a wooden box for something I've been longing for.

"Where the hell is it? I know it's in here somewhere." I shuffle through the odds and ends of junk that lies inside a box in the backyard garage. Grandpa had taken up the hobby of a woodworker and had turned the garage into his own personal workshop. He always had some sort of project going on, whether it was a request from a friend or just something for fun. He always liked to keep busy, and he was actually really skilled in his work. He had actually helped Jackson make a small bookshelf out of red maple wood that had been put upstairs in his room.

I kind of wish I could see it again, but I haven't been inside Jackson's room since we've moved in. Neither of us has that I know about. I can't work up the courage to do it. It just brings back too many painful memories. I can barely look at his door without getting emotional, let alone step foot in the room. So the door remains closed, and the contents of the room remain a mystery.

I sigh as I come to the conclusion that what I'm looking for doesn't reside in the box that I'm going through. So I shove it back under the woodworking bench where it had been collecting dust before I'd pulled it from it's hiding place. I figured this would be easy since Grandpa kept his workshop so organized and clean, but I guess since I haven't been in here for about six years, I don't fully remember where everything is anymore.

I didn't mind being out here though. It was actually quite nice, with the quiet and relatively empty space. The place could use a good dusting and be swept clear of some lingering piles of wood shavings and sawdust, but I was happy to report the lack of spiders that I'd run into.

I'm not sure how long I've been out here searching, but I guess that wasn't a problem when I had all the time in the world. So I guess our school's security cameras really do work, more or less. Word got around about the fight that took place between me, Sophie, and Minerva. Even though I played the victim and never threw a punch, I still technically shoved Minnie to the ground. So all three of us have been suspended. I got the less severe punishment and have only been banned from school for a week while the twins have been suspended for at least ten days if not more.

I hate that Sophie is facing the consequences for something I started, even though she's told me multiple times that it wasn't my fault and that Minnie had it coming. I still feel bad for dragging her into this and especially because she sprained her wrist when fighting Minnie. She didn't deserve all of that on account of mistakes that I've made, but Ericson was an asshat on a good day. So with his patience worn thin, we all got the blunt end of the knife. But even if me and Sophie have to endure this, I was glad Minerva was getting what was coming to her. Honestly, being suspended is too good for her. If it were up to me she'd be expelled.

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