Drive Me Crazy

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A/N: Hey, y'all. I apologize for how long it's been. Hope this chapter ends up being okay.

Violet's Pov:

It's been two weeks since the whole getting expelled episode. Both Minnie and Sophie have been allowed back in school and I'm a bit surprised at the lack of a confrontation from Minerva. I haven't heard anything about her around the school which is weird, to say the least, since Minnie loves being the center of attention and gossip spreads like wildfire.

I'm not sure what happened during their ten days of being expelled from the school's premises, considering Sophie won't even mention her sister's name anymore. But I have a feeling Minerva's been on the low down ever since her sister basically disowned her.

I actually do feel bad for her. She and Sophie have always been close, or at least they used to be. Sophie was the last person that Minnie could really confide in, but after she went after me I guess Sophie had finally had enough of her bullshit. I'm not sure where their brother Tenn stands in the middle of all of it, but I'm sure he definitely knows there's tension between the two redheads. It makes me wonder if he's turned his back on Minnie as well, but I'd be stupid to ask. I was just glad to be alive and not stuck in the hospital after the whole ordeal, there was no way I would bring it up again.

But that was perfectly fine with me because lately, I've rarely been thinking about it. In fact, with Minnie so out of the picture now, I've barely had anything to bother me for almost a week straight. There was only one thing that was always on my mind now. I didn't notice the change at first because it was subtle, but I could clearly see it now. And the more I thought about it, the worse it became.

I didn't even realize it had happened, but the moment December sixteenth rolled around there was no going back. I had become completely lovestruck.

I think my nightly talks with Clem made the biggest difference. She was there every time I woke from a nightmare, whether it be over the phone or in person. But I found myself starting to calm down after everything I've been through and I didn't feel so afraid anymore. I wasn't completely in the clear, but at least I could walk around my own home now and not feel like someone was going to jump out of a doorway and attack me at any given minute. But once I made it past that, I started to realize just how over my head I was.

I mean, I've always been in love with Clem but something was different now. I could feel it in my heart every time she'd smile at me or I'd get a text from her or when she'd say I love you. It'd make my heart swell and I'd get lost in the feeling and it made it impossible to be away from her.

But she was my knight, it had become her job to watch over and protect me. In retrospect, if she was my knight I guess that'd make me her princess or queen or whatever, but I don't know if that's really my role. I honestly saw myself as her knight as well. But if I was her queen, I was totally falling for my knight in shining armor. My heart would get overwhelmed with affection to the point it'd feel like it would burst. There was no denying it, I was head over heels for the brunette, and I guess it showed.

Louis picked up on it first, mostly because he'll take any chance he can to tease me about my love for the girl. He and Sophie were as thick as thieves when it came to that. Any sign of affection I would show towards Clem and Louis couldn't help proclaiming how much he shipped it. Normally it'd end with him getting a glare in his direction and the middle finger from me, which would always cause Clem to giggle and it'd make my heart skip a beat to hear it. I couldn't get too mad though, it was actually pretty sweet of him. Even if he could be a bit much at times, Louis was still the best friend I've ever had.

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