I Hope You Dance

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"You're such a dork." Clem laughed.

I smiled at the teasing nickname and popped another piece of chocolate into my mouth. Then I leaned forward and pecked Clem on the lips.

She could taste the sweetness of the chocolate on my lips. "You've got a pretty sweet kiss, Vi." She joked. She tucked a strand of blonde and blue hair behind my ear. "Then again, you're a really sweet girl." And she kissed my cheek feeling the heat that had rushed there against her soft lips.

I don't know why, but her compliment got to me and I felt myself blush. I heard Clem giggle again. "You're so cute."

I clutched Clover in my lap as I felt my face grow warmer. My purple shoelaces becoming much more interesting than Clem's face as I stared at the floor in embarrassment.

Though I felt Clem lift my chin up with a gentle hand and my gaze slowly met hers. "That's my girl." She whispered to me as her hand moved to cup my cheek. Then she slowly leaned in and we shared a semi-long kiss.

I smiled as we pulled apart and I could tell Clem was happy that I was pleased with her sign of affection.

"So..." Clem started. "What's your favorite movie?"

I was staying at Clem's house for yet another weekend. The two of us were seated in the living room with some snacks just talking and asking each other questions. And of course, I had promised AJ that I would bring Woody along. The two of them currently upstairs, playing in AJ's room. I think AJ had built a train track or something and was having Woody lie under the bridge as like some sort of troll or something, waiting for the train to ride past. Then Woody would flip the train off the track like he was wrecking the city as if he was the bunny version of Godzilla. It always made AJ laugh.

Lee was currently out of the house leaving us alone to do whatever. Clem said that he went out with her Uncle Kenny who was also Lee's best friend and the two of them we're gonna have a couple of drinks and hang out. Apparently, he wasn't her real uncle, but they were close enough that they were practically related. So Clementine called Kenny her uncle. She said she was gonna have me meet him sometime.

I and Clem were currently downstairs in the living room just hanging out. We'd brought out some popcorn and chocolates and stuff, and were playing a game that we liked to call twenty questions. Where we went back and forth asking each other things about the other to get to know one another. And we'd always stop once we hit twenty questions.

I pulled out my favorite notebook and wrote down the answer to Clem's movie question. "Harry Potter."

I showed it to her and saw her smile at my answer. "Which one's your favorite?" She asked as an add on question.

I had to think for a moment, that was a tough one. I pretty much liked all of them, but which one did I enjoy the most? I really liked the end battle but I don't know if it's my favorite, I mostly thought that it was cool to watch. Especially when the stone Knights came down from the wall to protect the school. Now that was awesome.

But if I was really being honest with myself, I think my favorite movie had to be the fourth one where they competed in the games. I really liked the ending where we learned that Mad Eye was really the guy who played as the tenth Doctor in Doctor Who.

I held up my hand and showed her four fingers while mouthing the word. Then I wrote down Clem's previous question to get her answer. "What's your favorite movie?"

Clementine looked at it before replying with, "My favorite movie is The Lion King."

I beamed at her response. The Lion King was my all-time favorite Disney movie. I loved to draw Simba and other lion cubs. I'd often make out wolves and lions in the stars. Animals were one of my favorite things to draw besides knights and castles.

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