Like Its A Bad Thing

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Violet's Pov

You know what the best thing in the world was? Waking up with my loving girlfriend on a Saturday morning. And guess what? Today was one of those days.

My eyes flutter open to the blinding light coming in from the window on the far side of the room. I try to ignore it, however, and I cuddle in closer to my girlfriend's side as I bury my face under the blanket. I'm not ready to get up as a yawn escapes me.

But a pounding on Clem's door disrupts my attempt at going back to sleep. I know who that is.

"Clem! Violet! Time to get up!" AJ yells from the other side of the door.

AJ knows he's not allowed to open the door and come in without Clem's permission, but that doesn't mean he'll let us sleep in. I think he must be extra excited this morning because it finally snowed last night.

I feel Clem stir next to me, followed by her voice. "Alright, we'll be down in a few."

"Can't you come out now?" AJ pleads.

"AJ?!" Clem scolds in a warning tone.

"Sorry, Clem." He quickly apologizes.

Then we hear Lee's voice. "AJ leave the girls alone. Why don't you come help me make breakfast?"

AJ seems to forget all about us and happily leaves with Lee. That's when I feel Clem flop back down on her pillow with a long sigh. I can tell she's relieved that Lee stepped in to distract AJ.

I take the moment to cuddle in closer and I feel Clem's arm wrap around me. "Morning beautiful." She says to me.

I giggle at her nickname for me and I grab my phone from off the bedside table. "You're the one who's beautiful."

Clementine reads what I wrote and gasps. "Violet I am not."

I giggle again and sign back, "You are too."

Clem pouts at this. "I am not. Have you seen me? I just woke up. I don't even have on any makeup!"

I giggle at her. "You say it like it's a bad thing."

"It is! My hair's a mess and I'm in a pair of sweats." Clem argues back.

I only continue to smile at her. "You look gorgeous in anything Clem. Especially when you first wake up."

"How can you say that Vi?!"

"You say it like it's a bad thing, baby. But that's my favorite you. You tell me you're a hot mess but you're the best thing my eyes have ever seen." I type out.

I can tell I'm getting to her as I see her cheeks start to turn a slight pink. So I lean in and kiss the tip of her nose. I giggle and I can now see a full blush spread across Clem's face.

"I love the nights when you ain't put together well. When we're up all night long on the phone. When your hair's a mess, you're in a pair of sweats, and you're just feeling lazy. You say it like it's a bad thing, but that's my favorite you. If we're on the same page, maybe, we can just lay low in a do-nothing kind of mood. You tell me you're a hot mess, but you're the best thing my eyes have ever seen."


I can tell Clem is speechless and at a loss for words. She looked so cute with the slight blush across her face.

"I love you, beautiful." I sign to her. And I make a heart with my hands at the end.

"Oh my god, Vi," Clem says trying to hide her face in her pillow. She's at a loss for words with how embarrassed she is and it's incredibly adorable.

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