Get Off of My Back

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A/N: Hey guys, sorry it's been a while. I've been really struggling with things after I was abandoned by my girlfriend. Depression and breakups are not a good mix.

So sorry for the short chapter, but I'm glad to be getting something out. I hope you like it.

Violet's POV:

I rolled my eyes for about the fifteenth time as Louis impersonated another one of our friends from one of my made-up stories. Something about all of us going on a canoeing trip and everyone falling out of the boat and into the river and starting a water war when I splashed Louis. The voices he did were annoying but I still smiled as I heard everyone at our lunch table laugh at the paragraph he just read.

Things finally felt back to normal after my hospital visit. My ribs felt the best that they had in a while and I was finally off the pain medication. Only if I did something a little too strenuous did they start to feel sore and I'd usually get a scolding from Clem then. But otherwise, I felt good. And having Louis back to his old self and reading from my journal made everything feel complete.

I leaned back into Clem's lap as I listened to the story and I felt her arms wrap around me. A smile broke out at the contact and I sighed contently at the peace I felt. I traced my fingers over the gold locket around my neck that she bought me and realized how many things I had with significant meaning.

The gold heart-shaped locket that Clem gave me. Jackson's sweat jacket around my arms. Woody who sat in my lap. The purple journal that Louis always read from in his funny voices. My heart swelled at all the things that reminded me of the people that I love. Every one of my friends had their own little symbol of significance and it made me smile to know and remember all of them.

I ran my hand over Woody's ears and fur as I subconsciously listened to Lou's voice in the background. Marlon interrupting for a moment to bring up that the paragraph that Louis had just read had actually happened. I felt Clem rest her chin on my shoulder as her grip on my waist slightly tightened. Her lips met my cheek and I couldn't help the grin that overtook me and I had to suppress a giggle.

"I love you," she whispered to me, drowning out the story for a minute.

I couldn't turn around and mouth it back with me in her lap. But I took her hand and brought it up to my locket and enclosed her hand around it with mine on top. I think she got the message for I felt her kiss me again and even though I couldn't see her face, I knew she was smiling. "That's my girl."

But my moment of happiness was ruined by the sharp ring of the bell, putting an end to lunch. I let out a huff of annoyance and I felt Clem kiss me one last time. "It's okay Flower. We can spend some time together after school."

I nodded and slid off her lap with Woody in my arms.

"I'll grab your books for you," Clem said to me as she claimed my notebook from Louis. "Meet you in Mr. Cruz's class?"

I smiled and nodded before placing a quick kiss to the corner of her lips. Clem grinned at my sign of affection and then I watched her walk away. I'd meet up with her there, but I needed to grab my other notebook before class from my locker.

I walked down the crowded hallway of bustling students grabbing their textbooks and chatting before the next class started. I swear it was like a maze trying to get around as I squeezed past with Woody in my arms.

I came out on the other side of a sea of people into a less crowded clearing. People still milled about but I could finally see my locker a few yards away as the hallways started to clear as people dispersed. But I froze as I caught a glimpse of someone approaching. Her green eyes locked onto me and my heart dropped before racing a mile a minute as they pierced through my soul.

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