Until I Feel Your Touch

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Violet's POV:

It was another restless night. I tossed and turned in bed, but couldn't find the comfort of deep sleep. Even Clover couldn't provide me with the comfort I needed, for I missed the warmth of another body lying next to me. To which the fur of a stuffed animal could not provide. I wanted to feel the heat from Clem's skin, the warmth of her breath against my neck. I wanted to drift off with her arms around me. But instead, I was here with nothing but the cold blanket of my bare sheets on the empty spot next to me.

I rolled my eyes and huffed knowing the situation I was in. I threw the wrinkled sheets off of me, bunched up from my constant struggle for sleep. And my bare feet softly hit the wooden floor of my bedroom.

I threw on a pair of socks before slipping on my converses with the purple laces. Then I threw on my red Ericson sweatshirt and slid it over my head. I stuck Clover in my pocket and then picked up my backpack from off the floor and slung it over my shoulders.

I carefully opened my door and closed it softly behind me. I crept down the hallway not wanting to wake up my mom. I was worried that the stairs might creak too loudly, so instead, I slid down the railing, careful not to fall or land too hard at the end.

Knowing that the front door made too much noise, I walked through the kitchen to the back door and stepped outside. Luckily it wasn't raining this time but it was still really cold and I could see my breath accumulating in the air in white puffs.

I walked to the gate and put my hands on the top of the fence feeling the heat leech from my hands against the cold metal. I swung myself over and released my grip, leaving handprints in its place.

Once in the front yard, I took a look around. The street lights where still on and they would be for quite a while still, but I was running out of time, cause I could see the sun light up the sky. So I hit the road in overdrive.

I've been on my own for long enough. I look around and this city's cold and empty and I was dying for her, knowing I can't sleep until I feel her touch.

My breath billowed out in white puffs with every other step I took. My lungs taking in the chilly air of the night, freezing my limbs from inside out.

I emerged down a street after running for five blocks and slowed my gait to a walk. I slipped my hands into my pockets to try and obtain some warmth, feeling Clover inside who I had stuffed in there previously.

I walked down the street, looking more abandoned than anything at this time of morning what with the lack of people and lifeless cars seemingly forgotten on the sides of the road. If I tried hard enough I could pretend I was on another one of my adventures. One where I didn't know where the old cracks in the road would take me. I could pretend that I was in the apocalypse and I had just gone out scavenging, now bringing back to my group whatever I had obtained from an abandoned house. Which to be honest wasn't much. Just a teddy bear and some odds and ends in my backpack. But at least I had a backpack on this journey. Unlike some other unfortunate souls who I'd seen get robbed on one of those walking dead shows and they'd lose whatever they had.

But now that it was in my head, I was on a journey. A mission to get back to my group, back to my girlfriend before the walkers got me. And with that I picked up my pace, looking over my shoulder to make sure no one or 'nothing' was following me.

Seeing I was in the clear, I emerged onto the front porch of Clem's house. I took my hands out of my hoodie pockets and fumbled for the key that Clem had given me. I opened the glass door and inserted the key into the lock of the deadbolt above the doorknob. Then I unlocked the latter of the two. The door opened with a pop followed by a small squeak as I pushed it open.

Only Words Bleedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें