AJ's Day Out

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Violet's Pov:

I could see them on the porch waiting for me. Clem in her jean jacket and boots, sitting on the steps as she watched AJ running around the front yard. And AJ had his disco broccoli shirt on under a red sweat jacket.

Clem smiled at me as I approached the steps. "Hey there beautiful." She said as she stood up and kissed my cheek.

I blushed at her words. Why did she have to call me that with AJ present? Hopefully, he didn't hear. I know he was cool with our relationship, he handled it better than my eight-year-old cousins. But it was still a little embarrassing when I and Clem showed affection for each other around him.

Speaking of AJ, he ran up to me and practically tackled me into a hug. "Violet! You're here!" Then he looked to his older sister. "Can we go now!?"

Clem giggled. "Yes, yes we can go now."

AJ cheered and ran ahead down the sidewalk, making me silently giggle. It was cute how excited he got.

"Shall we?" Clem asked as she held out her arm in the direction we were supposed to be walking. I nodded and took her hand. But not before pulling her close and giving her a quick peck on her lips. She smiled and grabbed my hand and we walked after AJ.

I was glad to get out today. I loved my cousins, they were family, but they could be a bit much or more like a lot. I needed space from the little devils. So when Clem called me up and said she was taking AJ to the park I jumped on the chance to get out of the house.

Of course, I didn't tell my mom and aunt this, or else they would have made me take the triplets with me. So I simply told my mom that I was going on a date with Clem which wasn't too far from the truth. I was going out with her, just AJ was with us. Which was perfectly okay with me. I loved the little guy and he seemed to adore me. I honestly think that he thought of me as a second sister.

I intertwined my fingers with Clem's and we swung our hands between us as we walked. AJ ran ahead of us with his arms outstretched, pretending to be an airplane as he ran. It was entertaining to see the imagination of a five-year-old unfold.

I watched as he ran around us in circles until he came up behind us and grabbed mine and Clem's hands. He broke them apart and held onto each of our hands with his little ones. I smiled at this and I and Clem looked at each other and we both thought of the same thing. Next thing you know we swing our hands forward and up and lifted AJ off the ground a little as we swung him. He giggled at this as he caught some air. Then we set him back down.

"Again!" AJ yelled slash giggled.

"Alright, one last time goofball," Clem told him and we swung him up one more time. AJ laughing the whole time.

Afterward, he settled for just holding our hands as we walked. He only let go once the park was in view. "Clem can I go?!" He asked.

"Wait until we cross the street." She told him. And he looked both ways before we stepped across the street. Then as soon as we hit the grass on the other side, did he let go of our hands and run ahead.

We were lucky that it was a nice day out. It was December and only a week and a half away from Christmas, but the weather was being weird. It was sunny and forty-seven degrees out right now. The nights were cold though. I would know from being out late at night. But today was perfect for a day at the park. And better yet, no one was here but us.

While AJ ran off to go down the slide, Clem grabbed my hand and pulled me over towards the swings. Which I gladly accepted and sat down on the swing next to her. But I was surprised when she didn't let go of my hand. Instead, she held on tighter and we started to gently swing together in unison.

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