Listen To The Music Part 2

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Louis pressed a series of keys on his piano before turning to me. "So what's the game plan, Vi? What kind of song are we writing?"

"Obviously it has to be romantic," Sophie said. "Right Vi?"

I blushed but nodded. I wanted something romantic to show how much I loved Clem.

Louis cracked his knuckles. "Romantic. Got it. Follow my lead guys." Then he started pressing keys down. "It's good to hear from you again. Girl what a coincidence...I was just thinkin' bout that weekend at O'cumberlin lake. And that one time in batten rouge when we made out in the rain. Where we went chasing fallen stars, on a hill at your daddy's farm. Don't be sorry for calling me up right out of the blue. I was just thinking about you."

But Sophie cut Louis off before he could continue. "Louis it needs to be personal. Violet nor Clem have done any of those things."

That's when Sophie picked up an acoustic guitar and slid the strap over her shoulder. She gave it a strum. "Let's try something like this. Louis follow my lead."

Sophie began to strum. "I was an island. Before you came along. Put your boat in my sand. Hand in my hand. Your heart in my song."

Then Louis joined in and started singing. "I was a fighter. And I was so brave. But I lowered my sword and you held me and swore you'd stay, stay, stay, stay."

Then it was like magic and Sophie and Louis's voices became one. "Oh, I can't do this alone anymore. Cause I'm no good on my own anymore. What did I do to deserve this? What did you do to me? Baby come back, you know I don't want to be free."

I listened to the lyrics. I thought it was a great song and it seemed to capture me, but not really Clem. So I held up my hands to grab their attention and stop the sound of music.

"What's up, Vi?" Louis asked me.

So I signed to him. "It's not really what I'm looking for."

"What'd she say?" Louis asked Sophie.

"She says it's not really what she's looking for." Sophie translated, then turned to me. "Do you have any ideas about what you want? Maybe a past experience? Some song lyrics? A picture? Anything?"

I thought about it. What did I want to portray in this song? But before I could think of anything Louis spoke up. "Wait! Wait! Wait! I've got it! Kade, give me a backbeat."

Kade hit the bass drum a couple of times before Louis joined in with the piano. "Okay. Sophie fall in," Louis said. Sophie started to strum then Louis started to sing. "I'd lose my way and I'd lose my mind if I faced one day on my own. I know I was saved the night that she gave this drifter's heart a home.

Every night I should be on my knees. Lord knows how lucky I am. I'll never say near enough, thank God for this woman, Amen.

Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh

This world has a way of shaking your faith. I've been broken again and again. But I need all the cracks in my shattered heart, 'cause that's where her love gets in.

Every night I should be on my knees. Lord knows how lucky I am. I'll never say near enough, thank God for this woman, Amen.

She gives me faith. She gives me grace. She gives me hope. She gives me strength. She gives me love, love without end. Thank God for this woman, Amen."

I liked it.

Okay, I really liked it. It explained everything that I felt about Clementine. But it was still missing something. Plus I didn't like referring to Clem as a woman. She was still a young girl and the song made her sound old. But it'd be a great song for later in life. I'd have to remember that one.

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