Too Sweet For Words

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A/N: This chapter is actually something that I did with my friends a few years ago and we found out something interesting about Woody. And for those of you who are freaking out, don't worry this is a fun chapter. ;) Nothing bad happened. XD

Violet's Pov:

"So, you guys want to go do something this weekend?" Louis asked the three of us as we walked down the sidewalk.

"Oh, god, I can only imagine what he was thinking."

"Whatcha have in mind?" Sophie asked back.

"How bout we all go out for ice cream?" He said.

"Alright, that's a lot better than what I thought it was going to be."

"Sounds good, where do you wanna go?"

"Well, of course, your down for it Soph. I don't ever think I've seen you turn down ice cream." Louis joked with her, to which she slapped his arm. "You guys down?" He looked to both me and Clem.

I saw Clem smile at his suggestion. "There's actually this really good ice cream place over by my house if you guys want to try it. It's just this little place called Here's the Scoop, but their ice creams really good and they have a new custard flavor of the day each day that there open."

Then she turns to me. "How about it, babe?"

I smiled at her suggestion and nodded. I'm down for anything if Clem will be there. Plus it'll be nice to get out and do something with all four of us, well five if you count Woody.

Louis pumped his fist in celebration once he saw me agree to come along. "Yes! So what time do you want me to pick you up?"

Sophie stopped him right there. "You worry about the ice cream. I'll do the driving. I don't trust you after the last time."

"Come on Sophie it was one time." Louis pleads with her.

"You could have flipped the car with how fast you turned into that parking lot." She accuses.

I couldn't help but chuckle at their argument. Louis really wasn't a bad driver, well depending on who you ask. I guess Sophie still hasn't forgiven him after that last incident. From what I heard, he's lucky he wasn't pulled over. But in his defense, Louis claims that Marlon dared him to play Battlestar Galactica in an empty parking lot.

"So what time should we be there by?" Sophie asks Clem as she pulls out her phone to put a reminder in her calendar.

"How about Saturday around seven?" Clem tells her.

Sophie smiles as she sets a reminder on her phone. "Perfect! I'll see you guys then."


Around six forty-five Sophie pulls her Jeep Liberty in front of Clem's house with me and Louis in the backseat. Woody seated in between us on a small towel. He just laid all sprawled out against the back of the seat. That's how I knew he was really relaxed, whenever he stretched out like that. I thought it was super cute.

She climbed into the front seat and waved goodbye as Sophie pulled away from the curb. "So where to?" The redhead asked.

"Just follow this street all the way down and turn right at the light and it's right there, you can't miss it," Clem explains.

We drove down the street in silence, except for the radio quietly playing Galway Girl by Ed Sheeran. Sophie turns down Allen road and there's this little ice cream shop that looks a lot like how Dairy Queen would with the windows you order at, except this place is colored pink with the word's Here's The...Scoop written across the roof.

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