The beginning of war

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4 months later
Elijah's P.O V
It's been 4 months and we have finally found them. I have to say Hernandez is a smart man, the warehouse was right under our nose and we didn't even see it.
I open the door to Lizzy's house and told her the good news she was excited but scared at the same time.

We are going to be planning in the next 2 hours so get ready.
"Alright guys listen up, now that we have finally found them we're moving in and we're not waiting another day," I said with a deep voice booming the room with authority.

"Adrianna will be 2 blocks down from the warehouse to make sure that area is covered, Antonio, myself, Gregory will be entering from the back entrance-" I was cut off by Elizabeth.

"Me as well," she said.

I turn towards her and said "hell no it's too dangerous" she looked at me with tired eyes as if she hasn't slept none at all and said "exactly and my kids are in there so I'm going in whether you like it or not."

I rub my temple in frustration "I'm not arguing with you, this conversation is over, if I have to tie you up that's exactly what I will do.

"Your right this conversation is over," she says and pulls out her gun and points it towards my cock. "I'm not asking I'm telling you, this can work with or without you"

I chuckle and said, "you won't shoot me."

She puts two bullets in the roof "next time I won't miss" she says.

I raised my hand in surrender and said okay.


Everybody was inside gearing up while I was outside at the side of the warehouse. I took out a box of cigarettes and light one.

I inhaled the cigarette and slightly held my head up and exhale it with my eyes close, thinking.

FlashbackI was in the backyard of Ezra's house taking a smoke to relax my mind and Antonio had to come and ruin that

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I was in the backyard of Ezra's house taking a smoke to relax my mind and Antonio had to come and ruin that.

"What the hell do you want, I'm trying not to knock you out but you're making that difficult" he didn't say anything, he just sat in the opposite chair with his elbows on his lap and his hands fold together with his head hanging down.

"What, did something happen, is Elizabeth okay?" I questioned him getting worried.

"No, we just need to talk"
I rolled my eyes and leaned back in the chair.

"Last time I check there was nothing to talk about," I said exhaling the smoke.

"I know you have a question, so just ask it," he said

I chuckle "it's funny you come out here thinking I give a damn enough to ask you questions".

"If you don't care then why are you acting like this"

I chuckle again shaking my head side to side "wouldn't I be stupid to allow the person who hurt me the most to have access to doing that again. Listen man I'm a lot of things but stupid is not one of them"

"I didn't mean to hurt you," he said with sad genuine eyes.

"Don't come to be with that cliche bullshit" I said waving my cigar when I speak.

He doesn't say anything, just stares, I got tired of it and put my hands up in surrender "okay, okay, I'll ask the question"

"Why did you leave?" I ask in a bored tone.

"Because-because I didn't belong here"

"What the hell does that even mean, 'belonging'?

"Um-I I, I don't know"

I didn't say anything for a few minutes, he got up and right as he open the door I said with my back facing him "belonging is just where loneliness ends" and I stood up and took up my trash and walk right past him through the door.

"We're ready" said one of the men
"Alright game time" I said inhaling the smoke one more time before I drop it on the floor and out it.

"Everybody in position"I ask through the air piece.
"Yea, adrianna went to drop off her kid she should be here any minute" said one of the men.
"I'm here" Adrianna said through her position.
"Alright, south and north will head in first, let's go" I said getting up and entering the warehouse.

The only thing I could hear is gunshots, screams, begging and moaning it was like music to my fucking ears.

"No one makes it out of here alive" i said and heard a series of yes.

"East and west, go ahead" I order

After a couple minutes I found the twins and they look so different... broken I might say.

I slowly open the door, they didn't turn their head or anything, Amaya was protecting Layla with her body.

I touch Amaya on her back and she flinch.

I kneeled down and whispered "it's me uncle Elijah" and they both turn around swiftly.

Layla started crying hysterically and I lift her in my arms soothing her. "Uncle they took Nate and mummy went after them" "what!?" I screamed and they both flinch. "Sorry" I whispered to them.

I lift Amaya up and made my way out and ordered my men to leave and clean up.

Y'all I forgot to update last week and I remembered the next day but I just want to upload on Thursdays only, I might upload the next chapter after this if not then next week Thursday.

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