More Like an Irksome Dream

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“More Like an Irksome Dream”

Tsurugi Kyousuke x Reader




Patiently waiting for the bus, you played with your hair. Curling it around your forefinger, straightening it with your palms or whatever you could do with it to deal with boredom of waiting for the next bus.

To your peripheral vision appeared another person who awaits for the transportation. You stopped messing with your hair, glancing at your side where he stands. To your disbelief, you smiled. It was Tsurugi Kyousuke.

“Also waiting for the bus, Kyou-chan?”

“Isn't it obvious? Idiot.” He answered back, never meeting your gaze. “Also, don't make me nicknames. Tsurugi is fine.”

Saluting at him, you beamed. “Aye, Kyou-chan, sir!” You snickered after.

Giving a long sigh, he didn't bothered saying anything, knowing that it'll turn to troublesome argument between you.

The bus finally arrived after a while. Tsurugi entered the bus first, obviously not wanting to walk together with you. Albeit he did, there's many ways to manage to talk to him, you thought.

Stepping up the bus and paid for your fee, you soon spotted the seat he was at with. The side of it was available so you decided to just join him.

“May I?”

After a long second of him pressing his temples, he exhaled. “Do whatever you like. Don't bother me.”

“Sure thing, although no promises.”

You invited yourself in and sat. You bothered a few glance with him—his eyes were closed, maybe not intending to have a conversation with you.

“You're cute, Kyou-chan. Like a big cat.” You smiled, leaning forward and pressing your finger on his cheek. Soon enough, he evaded your touch.

Behaving yourself, you soon yawned. You remembered you haven't got even a wink yet last night as you were busy doing your project. You yawned more as your eye became heavy. You tugged Kyousuke's end of his uniform lighty.

“Kyou-chan, I'mma sleep a little. Just—”You gave a quite yawn as your words cut. “Wake me if I'm near my place, later.”

Not bothering to wait for his answer, you let the heaviness of your eyes took you as dimness engulfed your vision.

Trying to see if you were pranking him, he didn't answered at first. When he didn't heard anything from you, he peeked his eye, finding your head about to fall.

As your head fall, it landed to Kyousuke's shoulders. Irk marks popping, he lighty pushed away your head but failed when it only got back to it's original place in his shoulders. As he tried and tried to remove your head from his, the more you cling to him, never letting go with a serious face—like someone's going to snatch you away or stole something precious from your grasp.

Soon, he gave up. He made a face before sighing once more. “This troublesome woman...”

He decided to read a book placed in his bag to shake of the irritation he was feeling earlier. As he turned his book on page fifteen—reading only five chapters—you murmured into the air, loud enough that he heard it.

“You're really cute Kyou-neko-chan. Let me pinch you...” You staggered from your sleep, also to his whole arm. All the annoyance he purposely left earlier entered back to his very being. He wasn't a cat and you should call him with his proper name!

Soon after you stopped talking in sleep, your mouth started releasing saliva, threatening to fall at his jacket. Immediately cringed in disgust, he pushed you away once more. Trying and trying until he succeeded.

Once he succeeded and about to leave the chair to go on another, he felt a tug in his shirt. He turned, finding you helpless, crying in your sleep and muttering some words. At first he didn't wanted to hear it but seeing your state wants him to do so.

“Don't leave me alone here... Mom... Dad... I'm scared... I don't wanna die...”

Feeling guilty of the idea of leaving you alone, he sat back. He let your head fall into his shoulders and cling to him. Breathing deep and exhaling, he turned to your direction, calming himself. He noticed the corners of your eyes filled with tears. Unconsciously, his fingers wiped it for her. He drew his hand back, surprised by his actions.

Hearing you mutter again, he leaned his ear forward, only to be disappointed of what he heard. He took back all the pity he felt earlier, all of it.

“Next time, I'll force you into a dress and take you a picture, Kyou-chan.” You said with a gross smile, saliva dropped to the left side of your mouth.

Tsurugi soon frowned and muttered a grunt. “Hmmp! A nightmare? More like an irksome dream.”


Here am I again, delivering yet another request! And yeah, I was enmeshed with something else so... I didn't updated yet. This request was supposed to be updated the day I completed writing all of your requests, but then I suddenly had the urge to update this one. Take care!

P.S. I'll just finish the last request and edit them so i'll update them once. And the last story will be a bit different from the past but ready assured that yours sincerely will do her best!

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