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Nosaka Yuuma x Reader


“His face instantly frowned, discovering that you were flirting with a guy before him.”


You chuckled by the message you received and decided to text him back. “Now that's one way of flirting. Doesn't apply to me though.” You muttered as you clicked through your phone.

Bothered by the chuckles he had been hearing since earlier, Nosaka Yuuma decided to check you up. “Must you chuckle while doing whatever that is? What is it anyway? He tried to peek at your phone but you sway it away from him every time he was near seeing it.

“You shouldn't peek at ones phone. Geez!” You said, eyeing him while making a face. Seconds later, you smiled when you heard a notification. You immediately check your phone, face clearly amused.

You tapped your keyboard to reply the message, while Nosaka's face turned sour. He heard what you muttered earlier and he was sure that you were texting a guy.

His face instantly frowned, discovering that you were flirting with a guy before him.

Standing up and turning to you, he sneakily snatched the phone from your clutch and immediately read the messages. He instantly became furious with your chatmate. Hitting with someone's girlfriend is not cool, he thought, and even trying to stole [Name] away from me? No way!

He pushed the power button and set the phone aside, almost glaring at you, clearly pissed. “Now, who was that? The guy you're flirting with earlier.”

“Huh? What are you talking about? I-I don't know such guy.” Deciding to play dumb, you answered, sneakily trying to get away his attention. You were just trying to make friends with your senpai from your school then he snatched the phone and tensely looked at you. You admit he's half correct, though you're not flirting but teasing him since he's asking for advice on how to make move with girls.

Yuuma didn't found it on the messages since your senpai told it to you personally.

Trying to run away, you tiptoed to the exit as fast as you can but failed when he grabbed your wrist. “See. Running away must've meant you're guilty, dear [Name?]”

It was visible just from his eyes that he was envious. The mere thought of you flirting with others makes him go in pain and want to lock you so he'll just be the one you'll be with forever.

Sighing, you found him adorable. He was cute pouting like that and you wanted more but It'll make misunderstandings if you didn't explain your side.

Instantly cupping his cheek with your free hand, you smiled. “I'm not flirting with anybody but you—of course, you're my hubby,” You cleared your throat as you slipped the word from your tounge. “Ahem, boyfriend. I was helping my senpai on something. Don't be angry anymore, 'kay?”

Yuuma pressed still your palms on his cheek by his other hand and loosen his grip at your wrist to entwine your fingers. “Are you telling all but truth?”

“No doubt about it.”

Soon, your breaths mixed as your both mouths joined together, eyes pressing shut and enjoying the wee moment.

“Hmm. It's nice hearing that word. Call me hubby from now on.”


Hear ye! Hear ye!— I just tried that. And it's update time! Thanks so much for reading and stay safe!

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