Text Message • Kidou Yuuto x Reader x Haruna

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Haruna's POV

I've entered Onii-chan's room and he's smiling again. "Onii-chan's grinning a lot lately." I said to myself as I looked at him in a angry face. It's probably a girl.

"Onii-chan, you can use the bath now." I said as I entered his room and he's still holding his phone and smiling. Then he suddenly looked at me and hid his phone.

"Huh?" He said as he stand up.

"Mom says to hurry up."

"O-Okay." He closed the door and left the room. I waited till he was far enough to the room and I held his phone and looked at it in an annoyed look.

"Now, then... the password..." I said to myself as I typed the password I know and it was unlocked. "It's still his entrance exam ID? So careless."

I opened his messages and saw that it was texting a girl named Y/n L/n.

Y/n L/n

I think I should take a bath, too (*-*)

Hey! You just had a dirty thought just now, didn't you?

Just kidding, see you.

"Y/n L/n. I knew it." I muttered as my face started to wear an angry face. "Evil wench, seducing my brother... I'll make you suffer!"

Y/n's POV

You were arranging your closet when you heard your phone rang and you looked at it. It was a message from Kidou Yuuto.

Kidou Yuuto

Sorry, can you stop talking to me now? I'm trying to study.

You stared at it for a while and you knew it was his sister. "It's Haruna-chan!"

"Huh? Why? Did I do something? Is it because of that" You said as you typed at your keyboard while your lying at your bed, enjoying yourself texting her.

Haruna's POV

"That?" I uttered. "Did she do something to piss him off? Yeah, she would."

Kidou Yuuto

That's right

Y/n L/n

But that was only because you wanted it...

She replied and I read it, I started to sweatdropped. "Wanted it? Wanted what?" Did he need her notes or something? I don't get it. Let's just be mad.

Kidou Yuuto

I don't care. Forget about it.

Y/n L/n

You're awful! It was my first time!

I looking closer at her profile and why is it heart? What do she mean first time? Doing what?

I relaxed my self at Onii-chan's couch and thought about what do she meant. "Something that was the first time for her and that Onii-chan wanted?"

"Oh! I think I know!" I shouted like crazy and started to type.

Y/n's POV

Kidou Yuuto

Yeah, I did it, but who doesn't go on dates?

Besides it was my first time going on a date, too.

After reading her reply, you smiled. "I knew it! She doesn't get it!"

Haruna's POV

Y/n L/n

What? So our first date didn't mean anything?

"See, I knew it! No wonder Onii-chan was home late the other day. He was with her!" I exclaimed and started to type again.

Kidou Yuuto

That's right.

Y/n L/n

So, sleeping with me meant nothing, too?

"Huh? Sleep?" I wondered. "Did they take nap together or something? Napping on a date? Seriously?"

I was still clueless. "Onii-chan is so weird."

Kidou Yuuto

All we did is sleep.

Y/n L/n

Then what about the baby in my belly?

My eyes widened, baby? I stayed silent for that moment and took down the phone.

"That's what she meant?!" I blushed hard. "B-B-But you need to do it to make babies. There's no way Onii-chan would..." I started to type.

Y/n's POV

Kidou Yuuto

Is it really my child?

Do you have evidence?

"I haven't sleep with anyone but you." You said in a teasing tone as you typed it all and smiled. You seems to enjoy this moment.

Haruna's POV

My eyes widened even more. "Ahhh!!!"

"This can't be true! He's only in highschool!" I stuttered and the door opened.

"Huh? Haruna? What are you doing in my room?"

I stood up and walked out calling my mother's name. "Mom!"

"Haruna? What's going on?"

"Onii-chan made a baby!"



Kanna: Phew, another chapter!

Kidou: I didn't expect this...

Kanna: Don't worry, it's just a normal ending.

Shindou: Yup.

Endou: So, Bye bye!

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