Valentine's Day Special • Shindou Takuto x Kirino Ranmaru x Kariya Masaki

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Third Person's POV

"Will you agree to be my girlfriend?" Kariya asked Kirino and Kirino nodded. "Yes!" They thighly hugged each other, enjoying this happy moments of them.


After their class, Kirino saw his boyfriend and decided to approach him. "Hey Kariya, let's go home together." She said as she stood up beside him.

"You go first, I have something to do." He said as he kissed her cheeks and left her alone.

Kirino's POV

This feels so weird. Recently, Kariya started to spend less time with me. If I approach him, he would always say that there's something important he'll need to do. I wonder why he's being distant to me, lately. Maybe he's just busy... ehhh! Whatever.

I started to walk off home when I noticed Shindou went beside me. "Hey, leaving already?"

"Yup." I sweetly said and he smiled. "Can I just walk you home?" I tried to avoid it but he insisted, it was really mocking me. "Fine. You can walk me home."

We walked home together, we chatted alot and we also laughed a lot. Suddenly, I remembered the time when he proposed to me.

"Will you agree to be my girlfriend?"

I don't know why, but there's tear on my eye. Shindou seemed to be worried. "Are you okay?"

I can't answer his question, even I, don't know what to answer so I just put my hands back and hold it. "Come on! You're so slow!" Then he rushed walking.

Third Person's POV

Few days have passed, Kirino and Shindou got to much close and Kariya got jealous about it. He decided to talk about it with Kirino calmly but it turns out that he shouted at her because of his jealousy. Kirino's tears started to drop more and more, she even doubt if she was his girlfriend. "Do you even love me?"

Kariya was speechless that time and when he couldn't answer her, she decided to talk. "Alright, I already know your answer. If you don't love me, then let's break up." She left those words that made him guilty. He slammed the door saying, "Damn!"


Kirino was crying and crying outside. She didn't care even if there's someone who can see her, she's just letting her emotions to flow away. Shindou was walking by and noticed a familiar girl crying. When she approached that girl, he was surprised to see Kirino, the girl who is sitting at an alley and it was nearly dark. Shindou decided to say beside him and comfort her. She looked up and smiled at Shindou. "Don't cry, or you'll be ugly." She haven't feel his comfort before, she just leaned to him until she slept.

Days have passed and they spend more and more times until Shindou come up with an idea. "Say, C-Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go on." Kirino answered innocently. "C-Can I court you?"

She was atonished by his sudden confession. "W-What?"

"I said that can I court you? If you don't feel like answer this question, you can just ignore it."

"Why did you decided to court me?" She said directly. Shindou was quite speechless to answer that question. Kirino just smiled and nodded.

"Okay, you can." He was surprised to hear her answer. "You mean...?"

"Yup." She laughed. "You're really fun."

After, they both went to cafeteria and then Kariya saw them both. He came closer to them and called Kirino. "Can I talk with you for a second?"

Kirino nodded and she left Shindou there, still clueless. Meanwhile, both of them went in front of the cafeteria. "Why did you called me in so sudden, Kariya-kun?"

Kariya sighed as he was in daze that she called him so formal, like they didn't know each other. "Why are you so formal now?"

"It's a respect. By the way, can you answer my question first?" She asked him.

"Can we go back to the old days?"

"You mean..."

"Can I court you again? I'm wrong when I got mad to you. Can you forgive me and we'll have a come back?" He said frankly. She got mocked and left him but she gripped her wrist. "Wait."

"What?! You want us to be together again? No way." She coldy answer and left as tears in her eyes dropped. She was hurted by her own words for him. She loves him so much but she think that it's enough, they can't be together anymore.

Their both courtship has started, Shindou is taking his way and also Kariya. Sometimes Shindou would invite Kirino to take a dinner with him and go out with him while when Kariya's the one to request, she'll just ignore it. The day for her to choose has come. They're both in their formal suits with bouquet of red roses. She was still confused who she will choose.

"I'll date..."

[Pick who will she choose...]

[If you choose Shindou;]

"I'll choose you Shindou. For the time we spent together, I've fall in love with you. I don't know what to do if you're not around." Kirino got the bouquet of Shindou. "As for you Kariya, I thought about it for a long time and I think you should give up." She smiled sweetly as she embraced Kariya as his friend.

"I.. I understand. Thanks for the time we've spent together, for the happiness you've brought in my life." He sighed. "So see you?"

"Yeah." They both said in unison as he left.

"You sure you love me?" Kirino asked as pair of cold lips kissed her forehead.

"I'm very sure that you're the one I love and I'll ever love."

[If you choose Kariya;]

"I'll be with you again, Kariya. I love you so much and I can't let go you. I forgave your mistakes." She sweetly said as she embraced Kariya. "I'm sorry Shindou for the bother, but I wouldike to thank you for everything."

"I sure understand." Shindou looked down and smiled. Kirino got worried so she also hugged Shindou. "Don't worry, we'll be always friends."

She cheered up and Shindou finally smiled. "That's a promise." Those are the last words he said before leaving them alone.

"I'm really sorry for all, Kirino." Kariya apologized and Kariya kissed him at his cheek. "No worries."

"I love you too much."



Kanna: Ta-da! As promised, here's Shindou x Kirino x Kariya! A Valentine's day special!

Shindou: You really work hard for this, Kanna-san.

Kanna: Of course!

Kirino: Good work today Kanna-san.

Kanna: So, your not opposing now?

Kirino: W-What?! N-No way!

Kanna: Hai! Then I hope you like this special chapter! And Happy Valentine to all!

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