School Arts Festival • Kirino Ranmaru x Reader

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Third Person's POV

"Now for homeroom today, I would like to talk about this year's school arts festival" The teacher spoke and everyone was excited about it.

"I wonder what our class will be doing this year?" Akane spoke as she look towards Aoi.

"I'm looking forward to it." Aoi happily exclaimed.

"Japanese schools have arts festival too?" Y/n asked them.

"Yeah. We do various things either by class or by the extracurricular activities we're in." Akane spoke.

"We did a musical ensemble last year." Aoi continued as she smiled.

"I see. It's a shame that I just transferred this year." Y/n replied.

"And, as a result of the voting you all did yesterday, our class will be doing a play." The teacher said.

"A play... I wonder what kind of story we'll be doing?" Y/n said as she look towards Kirino.

"I'm thinking about doing a story that takes place overseas. What do you think?" Sensei said as she looked at the students.

"We agree." Everyone spoke.

"Now, for the show title that you're all looking forward to...." Sensei said as she wrote something on the board.

"It's says... Sleeping Beauty." Y/n said to herself and everyone was excited about it.

"And, for who gets what role, I would like to choose by amida drawing so everyone has a fair chance at getting each role." The teacher smiled. "So, please come up to the front according to your roll-call number, with something to write with."

"Okay!" Everyone exclaimed.

Everyone, including Y/n, wrote on their names on amida drawing. Y/n looked at it and wondered what role she'll be playing then after she came back to her seat.

"And now, I'll reveal your assignments." sensei said as she removed something from the drawing.

"Sleeping Beauty is about a princess that has been asleep for a long time that wakes up with a kiss from the prince, right?" Akane asked Aoi then Y/n looked at the two.

"Yes." She answered and smiled. Y/n looked at them with a confused face.

"Let's see the princess and the prince..." Sensei said as everyone looked at Y/n and Kirino.

"Congratulations for your role being the princess, Y/n." Aoi said happily. "Congratulations to you too, Kirino-kun."

"Ahh." Kirino said.


"My, I wonder what this is." Y/n read her line as she sighed. "This is hard, I wonder if I'll be able to do it all right."

"I-- I have this s-sword," Y/n heard and looked at who is saying that line then she found out that it's Kirino.

"And my c-courage." Kirino continued and he ruffed his hair. "This is hard."

"You're practicing too, Kirino-kun?" Y/n asked as Kirino looked at her then he blushed.

"So you were practicing here." She said but Kirino stayed silent and blush a bit.  "I'm also practicing."

"I've never done the part of a princess in a play before so I'm a little nervous." She said as she smiled.

"M-me too." He said.

"Kirino-kun!" Y/n called as Kirino looked at her. "How about we practice together, I think that I have the most scenes together with you and I think that it would be better than practicing alone."

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